Coffee for two, a fluffy piece (15)

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The sweet scent of cinnamon and blackberry filled the air as Ash prepared a hearty platter of French toast. One thing about Ash Hernandez, he took his cooking seriously, he wouldn't even let J help most times as the meals had to be absolutely perfect. That's why he got up much earlier. There was a loud yawn traveling down the staircase along with who it belonged to.

There J was, stretching and running a hand through his messy hair. "French toast today babe?" The raven hummed in confirmation. There was a warm kiss placed on their cheek, "can't wait to eat all of it while you're at work." The brunette whispered, mischief sprinkled in his words. Ah, forgot to mention. J moved in and they've been living together a few weeks now. Sometimes, they'd have time to goof around before their long shifts, and other times they'd nap together after complaining about what happened that day.

It felt like they'd been together for so long, for Ash, being with J truly felt like home. Needless to say, they became quickly familiar with each other. Ash scoffed before answering, "so that's why there's no left overs huh?"

The amber haired jock only laughed before walking over the orange colored coffee making machine. "Coffee for two?"
"Ugh, most definitely, I have surgery duty until my next promotion." The young doctor groaned, grimacing at the amount of work that was cut out for him.

Soon the coffee and breakfast was demolished by the both of them. Ash checked his watch and gawked at the sight, "Shit, shit, SHIT! 'M ALMOST LATE." J wasn't gonna let his lovely boyfriend go just yet. "Wait wait wait-"
The raven turned around, hand on the knob of the front door. They were in their doctor's lab coat, navy blue suit pants with, striped blue tie, and coffee brown loafers. Who doesn't love a dashing sim in uniform?

"Yeah? What is it-" Ash was cut off by a tender kiss to the lips. Their face immediately started to burn as they became flustered. J placed his hands on his hips and playfully scolded, "aren't ya late for work, Hernandez? Get goin now" With that Ash skipped on our and J delivered on his promise and ate two more servings before heading into work himself. Before leaving, however, one passenger popped into his train of thought.

Why is the second bedroom locked? Hm...

The Doctor and his idiot gym buddy (sims4 fanfic cause why not) Where stories live. Discover now