Scars and cupcakes (19)

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"Mr. Goth, I'm going to need you to calm down, this is the only way we can treat itchy plumbob, if there was medication for the illness this would be different-"

Ash hated this, having to reason with patients that are much older than him but have the intelligence of a cowplant. There's only so much a fake smile and a sweet tone can do for these idiots. Mortimer sneered, not liking the explanation he was receiving, "WELL? WHY DONT YOU TRY AND FIND SOME? ALL OF THESE YEARS OF LEARNING YET YOU DOCTORS KNOW NEXT TO NOTHING." The doctor clenched his jaw trying his best not to lose his temper. There was no explanation in the world that could convince this snobby prick to suck it up and get the surgery.

However, Ash just couldn't give him some liquid to shut him up and send him on his way, Mortimer could drop dead the moment he stepped out of those double doors. So, taking a deep breath, Ash doubled down. "Sir, as I stated before, the only way to cure itchy plumbob is with a procedure. So unless you want to drop dead the moment you stand up, I suggest you take a minute to cool down and gather your thoughts."

Boy did he not like that. In fact he hated it so much, he decided to throw a tantrum and started to stomp out of the room as if Ash had denied him ice cream for dessert. Is this guy serious? No wonder Bella cheats easily, this guy's a man-child. Ash sighed and snatched off their glasses before walking quickly and stepping in front of the older man, stopping him in his tracks. "Mr goth-" they were pushed to the side with Mortimer now stomping much faster down the hall and into the break room.

Ash walked even faster behind Mortimer, now shouting, "Mr Goth this is getting ridiculous" CRASH. Shock, shattered glass, hot coffee searing into skin, excruciating pain. This fuckhead just threw a coffee pot at the only working doctor in order to avoid surgery. This lowlife failed author, threw a coffee pot filled with hot coffee at a doctor.

Ash's hand immediately went to his injured left eye. Suddenly, there were his coworkers, running to the scene and freaking out like a fire had just broken out. "HERNANDEZ, YOU OKAY?" "OMG MR HERNANDEZ!""aw I just made that coffee." As Mortimer stood there like a deer in headlights, the doctor hesitantly withdrew the hand covering his injury to make sure of something. There it is, blood, a whole lot of it. Quickly covering his eye, he ordered Josef to make himself useful by holding Mortimer down until he came back.

With that command, Ash went to the operating room to find supplies to dress his wound.

Not long after, Ash would storm back out of the room with a bandaged eye and an ever so intimidating anger in their walk. They grabbed Mortimer by his collar and yanked him, dragging him to the same operation room that they had just emerged from. That surgery was gonna happen whether that fucker wanted it or not, Ash did not have the time to be sued due to a patient's negligence. By this time Mortimer was too terrified to fight back and let himself laid down in the operation machine, silently praying he wouldn't be murdered.

The surgery went by smoothly, and Ash sent a healthy Mortimer on his way with a forced smile and a light-hearted but threatening warning to keep his hands to himself the next time. Ash cared for their remaining patients as if nothing happened, even as sweet little Olivia questioned them on what happened with a worried expression etched on her face. They reassured her that they were fine now and that was all that mattered.

Once the clock struck 8, they packed up and wished their shaken up coworkers a "see ya!", walking off nervous of how J would react.

As Ash stepped through the front door, he was greeted with the warm lighting of the kitchen and the sound of J complaining about the romance drama he was currently watching, " why are you going back to her when she made out with the doctor in front of you, dumbass? Why do I even keep up with this show, fuckin hell."

The doctor chuckled to himself as he crept upstairs to change out of his scrubs and wash the stench of today's shift off of his bronzed skin. As he washed himself, his mind wandered to the nights before. The feeling, J's movements, and the sound of their moans creating a sinful melody. It made their face grow hot and they hurriedly washed themselves in order to stop thinking about it.

Unbeknownst to Ash, J was already upstairs relaxing in their shared bed. So when they stepped out of the shower, they were expecting to get dressed in their robe secretly after leaving the bathroom. That was not the case, unfortunately. J, who had drifted off to sleep as the shower still ran, opened his eyes to see his lover's beautiful bare body and the makeshift eyepatch that decorated Ash's left eye. That made him sit up, "babe? Your eye, it's...what happened?"

Ash flinched in surprise as they didn't expect J to be in the room already, they avoided eye contact and instead walked the dresser as if it were a normal conversation. "Ah, it's nothing much really, I guess old people are more cowardly than children when it comes to procedures-" they were cut off by J stepping in front of them to and lifting their chin to ensure eye contact. Their boyfriend's brown eyes were tinged with worry, fear, and confusion.

"Honey," he never calls Ash honey unless it's something serious, "I know you're worried about how I'll react, but please don't lie to me. I wanna know exactly what happened so I can help, okay?" J said, words delivered with a tone as delicate as the porcelain plates in their dining room. The raven suppressed the lump forming in their throat, and told J the events surrounding the injury while excluding the patient's name.

There was a sharp exhale emitted from J, you could tell he was trying to calm himself down. After two deep breaths, he cupped Ash's face and placed a kiss on their nose, promising that  he'll help Ash the best he can while they heal. Thankfully, there was only damage on the outer parts outside of Ash's eye. He could see just fine out of that eye, however it was painful to do so.

The night ended with J making cupcakes and watched in amusement as Ash destroyed at least four of them with ease. He wasn't the type to bake, but thanks to their cooking dates he's gotten quite okay at it. Seeing the smile on his love's face was good enough.

While at the gym, J heard the townies chatter about the incident at the hospital.
"Yeah, I heard it was Mortimer who threw the pot. My cousin was in the waiting room while it happened."
"Really? And all doctor Hernandez did was tell him that he needed surgery?"
"Yup, it's all over the chat rooms too. Someone posted Mortimer throwing the pot. What an asshole."
Mortimer huh? J finish his set at the weigh machine and decided to venture out...for personal matters.

While at home, he watched the video himself to confirm the perpetrator's identity, that indeed being Mortimer. Since it was his day off, he went home and changed into his winter outfit which was contained an oversized hoodie and black gloves. He made sure to paint his face in clown makeup cause that was the only makeup he knew how to do, as he previously cosplayed the sad clown during Halloween last year.

Strolling Willow Creek and it's many forested area, there he spotted Mortimer, fishing alone by the unoccupied homes. That FUCKER. A devious smirk made its way onto J's face, it was time for him to pay good ole Mr Goth a visit.
As Ash finished up with his last patient, he ventured out to the waiting room to see Mortimer carried by a panicked Bella and Cassandra. The guy was battered and bruised, almost pummeled within an inch of his life. Holy shit.

Ash held back a smile of satisfaction and maintained the front of a worried doctor, silently thankfully the vigilante who fucked the bastard up.

The Doctor and his idiot gym buddy (sims4 fanfic cause why not) Where stories live. Discover now