Boyfriend is crying but its okay because diamond! (21)

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Ash grew more and more suspicious as time the week went on in regards to J's nightly departures. It was always when ash would be in bed, preparing for a full nights sleep in order to be have a substantial amount of energy for his next lengthy shift. After the 6th night, the doctor's anxieties had strengthened, leading him to spy of J. Fortunately, it was his day off, not that he told J of course.

If he was allowed to sneak out at suspicious times and tell him his escapade was a "surprise", then they were allowed to spy on him to make sure there was no funny business. That was rich coming from them, as they'd been the cheater before. However, this wasn't about cheating. He knew damn well, J didn't have the time nor the heart to cheat. The most he'd do in terms of betrayal is shit talk their favorite romance drama, which he is at times forced to watch.

Ash placed a light kiss on J's cheek, commenting that he was off to bed and wishing his dear boyfriend a good night. He felt J's palm connect with his bum in full force with a light hearted, " g'night sexy."
The raven yelped in surprise, soon smiling at the mischievous chuckle behind him.

J has been really touchy since the bandages came off. Thanks to consistent dressing and training tirelessly to ensure that Ash could see out of that eye again, the only testament left was a badass scar. To be honest, he likes his new look. In fact, he even gave himself a makeover in order for the new feature to look much better. ( A/N: It's about time they gave up the fuckboy get-up, don't tell them I said that.) By this time their beard had grown in full, so they got ahold of a razor and shaped the mini mane up a bit, leaving their chin decorated with a neat mustache and goatee combo. The gray jacket and boots were switched out for a more relaxed apricot leather jacket and tan formal boots, a more mature contrast to their past self.

As Ash looked in the mirror, he loved the sly motherfucker stared back in the reflection. He now looked as good as he felt at the moment. And you know damn well that J loved the new look too. Ash had to hold back laughter as his lover gaped and practically drooled over quote, "how fuckin hot" he looked. It made the new change feel even more better. He seemed to love it as well as why would he be sneaking out instead of cling to him like a new pair of skinny jeans? Ash was surely about to find out.

After the front door crept shut, Ash shot up and threw of the covers. They changed into their regular clothing as the idea of just spying was off the table. The fear of him seeing another sim was slowly burning into the red hot emotion of anger. Furiously putting their jacket and shoes on, they huffed such phrases as, "he totally wouldn't, he wouldn't DARE." trying their best not to let this fester into hysterics.

Now Ash understands that they'd gotten more distant during the healing process as their insecurities had gotten the best of them. Maybe...maybe he was overreacting. Maybe he should turn around and go back home- did J just disappear into that weird looking tree?! What the fuck is going on? Where the fuck was he going?

Ash had just noticed that they were both now in Willow Creek, in the area with the mostly vacant 'starter' homes. He hid behind one of the houses as he contemplated what could be going on, but this subverted his expectations. After J disappeared into the gap, the parting closed quickly after he stepped in. No....fuck no. Ash ran up to the tree, silver eyes wide with concern. He pressed a shaky hand on the glowing bark of the tree, trying to figure out how to enter without some elaborate ritual.

He observed the tree for quite some time, talking to it and complimenting its features as it seemed to respond positively to it. "Say...what does my boyfriend have on you?" Ash asked the tree, the plant raising its leaves as to single its attentiveness to the question. He continued, "Is it some sort of spell? A ritual? I saw him enter through the gap. He's not...meeting someone in there is he?" The leaves swayed side to side as a way to shake their head in denial. Light eyes sparkling with curiosity, he pressed further. "No? Well...can ya let me in somehow? I don't mean to tug on your branch, but I'm really worried about what he's going in there."

He hadn't noticed how desperate his tone became. Ash started up at the tree with pleading eyes, soon flinching in surprise as the crackle resonated from the bottom of the tree. There before him was a sim sized gap, he didn't have time to marvel at it as he had a boyfriend to confront. Taking a deep breath, Ash stepped into the darkness of the newly opened area.

J adjusted the wedding arch, leaving it to be the final touch of his proposal set up. He placed his hands on his hips, taking a few steps back to look upon his lovely creation. The pond had been eradicated thanks to the creator and the enable free build cheat, giving way a wide area of opportunity. Deep fuscha rose bushes set as markers for a runway or a makeshift aisle that Ash would walk down, holding a bouquet delicately in his hands. There was a small grill and outdoor table to the right, along with lounge chairs to relax in while enjoying the scenery. To the left was small bar that was quite unfinished in terms of decorating as J had fallen bored with it halfway through and was planning to put something else there. He was sure Ash would love it once he saw the area once it was done-

"AHA THERE YOU ARE- oh's marvelous here."

J turned around sharply nearly giving himself whiplash to see Ash standing by the entrance, looking around in awe. Just as the brunette was about to explain himself, he stops to watch in amusement as his boyfriend stumbled around goggly eyed at the mystical environment around him. "Woooooooah, there's a stream for fishing?! Oh my gosh, baby why didn't you tell me about this sooner."

Ash stopped in his tracks, turning around, brows furrowed with obvious suspicion. "Waaaait a minute," he rushed over and jabbed a finger into J's firm chest. "Why DIDN'T you tell me about this place sooner?"
J gulped, as the narrowing of Ash's silver eyes made his stomach churn in guilt. A stutter finally fluttered it's way out of the jock's mouth, "....S-surpriiiiise!" A sorry attempt at jazz hands was sheepishly thrown. "I researched places to do all this, so I finally found a place that you would like, tweaked it a bit (A/N: THANK YOU ENABLE FREE BUILD) and, uh, I was almost done...cause uh you' now so..."

The surgeon's brows rose slightly, indicating confusion. "You..." he took a short while to observe the area again, particularly where they stood. "You....put all this together? For me? That's so...." A rose tint began to conquer their cheeks, silver eyes glossed with upcoming tears. The strong sense of worry gripped J, Ash was not one to cry and would rather excuse themselves to calm down, or simply ignore any scenario leading to this kind of reaction. His large hands moved to gently hold either side of Ash's face, "I-If you don't like it I can-" The raven shook his head quickly, "no-no, I love it, and I love you." They placed their hands on top of his, giving them a light assuring squeeze. " I love you so much more."

J's brain and heart were sounding the same, shouting at him that now had to be the chance.  Sure plans were slightly thwarted and he hadn't practiced his 'Will you marry me?' speech for the fifth yet, but now just felt so right. "I...I love you too, ever since that day we met at the gym...I knew we were going to be in each other's lives in some way. This was the fuckin best case scenario. Hell, I even wanted to get sick just so you could see me sometimes but that would give you more work and I don't wanna be inconsiderate and-"

A chuckle bumbled out of Ash at his lover's lovestruck ramblings. To be completely honest, he forgot what he rehearsed, so this was strictly from the heart. "So what I really wanna say" Dammit, he's tongue tied again. Not now, fuck, not now!

Ash tilted their head to the left, a small 'hm?' present in their features. "Ugh, screw it." He dropped down to one knee and pulled out a rather pricey looking diamond ring before Ash could react. "What the fuck I'm actually saying is, handsome badass doctor boyfriend and loyal gym bro, will you marry me?" J sputtered, face obnoxiously red.

The tears that had threatened to fall earlier, broke free and Ash sobbed an "YOU MOTHERFUCKER- YES" The diamond ring was delicately slid onto his right middle finger, glittering ever so graciously now that it was on his hand.

Ash lunged at J, holding him in the tightest embrace as if they'd been separated for years. J couldn't believe that he even said yes, suddenly the world had gained more color, the  simverse had shifted for the better. It was him and his boyfriend- no, soon to be husband against the world.

And he wouldn't change it for anything.

The Doctor and his idiot gym buddy (sims4 fanfic cause why not) Where stories live. Discover now