Love on the line (12)

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"Temperature is alarmingly high, I'll just take your sample to confirm some things."
I gestured for Stephany to open her mouth, which she complied to. One thing about working at the only hospital is that you'll encounter your exes. After swabbing and collecting, I paced to the analysis machine and dropped the testing tube in. I rolled my shoulders back, and observed whatever result popped up on the screen.

"Mr. Hernandez? Are you alright?" A quiet voice asked. Ah, the new orderly. I had forgotten her name, she was the only one who did her job besides myself. "I'm quite well," I turned to her to show my earnest smile "I must have looked like a zombie, thank you for your concern" the small woman smiled back. Her dark skin glowed under our dim lighting, her shiny black hair was a short Bob with slightly slanted bangs. Ah, Kate was her name. There was a loud crash in the next room over, and she grimaced. The X-ray machines loved to break when she would clock in, she excused herself and went to fix them right away.

The machine beeped and I looked at the results: presence of illness (possibility: bloaty head) I nodded, made sense. I adjusted my glasses and prepared for yet another long day.

That long day turned into another long week. Throughout that week, I would avoid any interactions...including with J. I mean, it's gotten to the point where I'd go to the gym super early in the mornings before he would even think to wake up. I've tied myself completely to him...

I finished my shift in the break room, I cared for five patients total today. There were more piling in, but I was too exhausted to stay late. I listened to Olivia before giving her a shot, she rambled about her younger siblings and how annoying they were cause they cried too much. I let myself giggle, my young patients made me love my job, their innocence and nativity were the highlights of the examination. When I have a child of my own,  they'll probably have so much questions for me.

I'd look into their large curious eyes and answer all of them with a smile on my face. I need to stop myself before my mind goes to he-who-shall-NOT-be-named, it'll just make me too sad again. I impatiently munched on my pastry that I'd gotten from the facility's vending machine, god the microwave here is awful, WHY IS IT STILL COLD IN THE MIDDLE? Finally, it was time for me to clock out, I threw my plate away and trudged on home.

My phone chimed, I had figured it must be a text from Alice asking me how to get the babies to stop crying all night. Sighing, I got my phone out of my back pocket, my eyes bulged and forgot that I needed to breathe. It was a post from J. I quickly opened the notif and it was a picture of a poorly made brownie and his hand doing a thumbs down gesture in front of it with the caption, 'it isn't the same without ya 😤'

I found myself giggling for the first time in weeks, I looked through the comments for more entertainment.
ItsElizaWafflesNow: I can make some for you 😍
TheyluvJH3: @ItsElizaWafflesNow no, and stop sending me dms, where's bob?

My laughing only reminded me of how much I really miss him. I miss his quips and his playful nature. I miss how his smile would grow wider when I laughed harder than he expected...i was always so impulsive when it came to my decisions, this is all his fault. Ever since I met J fucking Huntington the fucking III, I've had to think twice. Now I have to turn to drowning myself in work to feel like myself again.

The problem is...I feel more like myself when I'm with him. I looked at my screen and chewed on my bottom lip in utter nervousness. My creator was on her phone anyways, I always do things before she looks up. Hell, I've even managed to wash my dishes in the upstairs bathroom, she HATES that shit. Personally, I like to be a petty bastard. With my thumb hovering over his contact icon, I felt my shoulders tense and my stomach flutter. I should go to bed, I should definitely go to bed right now, maybe he's not awake, maybe he's-

Did my creator just choose 'chat with J'? WHAT THE FUCK, she's lucky I cannot react. I hope he doesn't pick up, I should've went to bed instead of sitting there like an idiot- "Ash?" His voice is raspy, like he just woke up. How hot- NO STOP BEING HORNY. I took a deep breath, "hhhheeeeyyy man, did I wake you up? I'm sorry I'll just-"
"NO NO, since it's you, I'm not mad at all"

Spoiler, uhm, he did not. We actually talked until I broke down (like a little bitch) and apologized profusely. He was taken aback and assured me it was fine, we were both quite busy after all. Now...I really want to see him again. So, being the bachelor that I am, I asked if we could "hang out". Okay I lied, I asked him out on a date at the big ass art museum in del sol valley. Maybe, the scenery will ease my loud beating heart tomorrow...

The Doctor and his idiot gym buddy (sims4 fanfic cause why not) Where stories live. Discover now