Chapter 1 (My Life)

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Kimberly's POV:

Hi, my name is Kimberly, my middle name is Celeste which in italian means heavenly, which also kinda indicates the colour blue, I have blue eyes if you were wondering where I was going with that. Oh, your probably wondering why i have an Italian middle name too! Well the answer to that is my mamma was Italian, my father was an American.

I don't really remember alot about my birth parents, I have dreams and flashbacks so I know my father wasn't a good man plus I kinda stole my file from the office in the group home. What? Its my file, its my life, I have every right to look at it, I read as much as i could before I had to put it back before the boss in charge of the group home noticed it was missing.

I was right about my father and after I read about him killing my mamma, it helped to explain these dreams and flashbacks I'd get. My mamma being completely different to him though as the dreams I had about her were nice and comforting, I only know it was her because of the picture in my file of her, I recognise her as the woman from my dreams.

Anyway, at the age of 4 I was put into the system and which I have been failed from so so much, I've never been adopted due to having alot off issues, I was a troublesome toddler I guess. Not many people want a kid that's traumatised so I wasn't picked, every year the whole hope and belief of getting adopted soon faded away, i mean, can you blame me?

Despite that, I have still been to plenty of Foster home's, not one of them have been good, tell a lie, there was one but unfortunately there was a fire and she died. So in a small time of 7 years I have been too 16 different Foster homes, I think so anyway, I mean after a while you kinda stop counting . Some would joke and say its a world record on how many times parents would give me back up.

It's not a laughing matter though, all I ever want is to have a family, I don't even care anymore if it's just a mom or a dad, I just want someone to look at me as their kid. I'd like to feel loved for a change, like I'm not just some burden or waste of space, I guess what I'm saying is, I just wanna have what loads of other kids have. I don't even know what a home is like anymore, I've never really felt like I had a home since 3 years ago.

I mean first I lose my real mother, my mamma, my father goes to jail for her murder, then the only other person I have that was close to a parent to me was my Foster mother, Sheila, she was so so nice and such a bubbly person. My mamma would've liked her, well saying that, they are probably friends up in heaven right now. Pathetic eh? How I can still think of there being a heaven after all of this.

Well it's simple really, my middle name literally means Heavenly, I'd be pretty stupid if I wasn't hopeful for there being a place as lovely as that for us to go to when we die. Anyway, even though its been 7 years since I became an orphan, I still only have one toy and that being Mr Fluff, he's a bit worn and torn now, I mean his leg is pretty much hanging off by a piece of thread.

Mr Fluff has always been there, he may just be a plush rabbit to you but to me, he is so much more, my mamma had gotten me him when I was a baby, he was there when I was first put into a group home. He was there when I went to each foster home, he's been there through it all. I may not have other toys or many clothes or anything to really call my own but I don't care, I mean you get used to it when you grow up like that.

My school life is pretty bad too, i get bullied so so much, I can't say I blame them though I mean I'm an easy target, the kid who wears the same clothes with holes in, the kid who stinks a tad from not being able to shower or have a bath. Plus they know I'm an orphan and trust me, bullies can really make your life a living hell when they know what to pick at, plus it doesn't take much to hurt me considering I'm already bruised from the abuse at home.

In school though I spend alot of time in the library where I learn Italian, since my mamma was Italian, I just feel like it makes me closer to her if I speak the language. Plus I'm half Italian so... I've gotten pretty good at it too, i don't just do that though, I do my homework, have lunch. Basically I spend most of my time there because it's safe, it's the only safe place I have in this gloomy life.

My grades aren't bad though, I'm not doing to well in Science, I just find it sooo confusing, it has all these fancy words that just leave me completely clueless. My Maths and English are okay but I'm not what you call a straight A student. I can't even get an A because I was put into a class where the highest grade we can get is a C and so far I'm at a D+ for English and a E for maths.

I'm succeeding better at Art and Music, plus I'm not too bad at PE, I suppose all the running I've done in my life I've actually gotten pretty good at it but that don't stop me from getting bullied or humiliated by the others in the class. My skills in History and Geography are awful like I know for a fact I won't by passing that class and my report card won't be good that's for sure.

So this is my life guy's, it's basically just full of heartache and sadness if that isn't the same thing, my skin is fed up but used to the constant bruising and scars. My head is literally spinning from it all, as if things weren't enough I'm left fighting battles in my own brain. I don't need no Demon in my head thank you very much, I have enough Demons in my life.

 I don't need no Demon in my head thank you very much, I have enough Demons in my life

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What I look like ^

What Mr Fluff looks like ^

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What Mr Fluff looks like ^

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