Chapter 7 (First Morning)

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Kimberly's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was no longer in the living room cuddled up to Carina, I looked over at the alarm clock and saw that it was 9:12am. Wow I had slept alot, but then I realised I was late at getting up, they would be angry with me, I hadn't made their breakfast or done the morning chores. I jumped out the bed like I was some sort of spring and ran out my bedroom door and into the kitchen not even bothering to get changed.

When I got in the kitchen I saw Maya and Carina sat at the kitchen table, "I'm so so sorry, I over slept, ill do it now I promise, please don't hurt me" I said as I felt the tears threatening to escape my blue eyes. Carina got off her chair and sprung into action as she pulled me into a warm embrace "bambina, it's okay, you didn't forget to do anything and we most definitely are not going to hurt you" she said.

I looked her in the eyes and sniffed out "but I didn't make you breakfast or do the chores" Maya then walked towards us and placed a hand on my shoulder, I flinched at first "sweetheart, it's us who has to make you breakfast and although at some point it'll be nice to have you help with a few chores, it's not important Kimberly, your more important ok?". I nodded my head and then sniffled out "sorry".

Carina lifted me up into her arms, my legs wrapped around her waste as her hand supported my bottom "you have nothing to apologise for, now, how about we get some breakfast si?". I nuzzled my head into her neck and answered her with a smile "si, grazie Rina". She then walked me to the kitchen and placed me onto the kitchen counter "you can either help me with breakfast or get yourself dressed, Maya can help if you need her too".

I looked at them both but I was still getting used to Maya, she seemed friendly but they all did for a while so I answered with a question "can I help you make breakfast?", Carina nodded at me "si bella you sure can, waffles or French toast?". I thought for a moment as I hadn't had either of them before "I don't know, haven't had them before". I saw Maya and Carina share a sad smile at that.

"How about we do waffles today and then French toast tomorrow then?" Carina asked too which I nodded at her, she then got all the ingredients out of the cupboards and gave me the job of mixing the flour, salt, baking powder and sugar when she put the right amount into the bowl. She also put the waffle iron on to heat up, when I had mixed all them ingredients up she handed me another bowl filled with egg, butter Milk and Vanilla extract.

She told me to mix them together so I did and then she smiled at me "right, this part is my job, can't have my bambina burning herself can we?", I shook my head at her and watched her poor the mixture into the waffle iron. She then opened the refrigerator and got out some strawberries and asked Maya to cut them into slices which she did "would you like Nutella with yours?" Maya asked after the strawberries were sliced.

I looked at her in shock "I'm allowed too?" is asked, She nodded back at me "it's not exactly the healthiest option but we'll make an exception". I smiled at her "thank you Maya" she smiled back at me before reaching into the cupboard and pulling out a jar of Nutella. "Right, how about we set the table for Carina?" Maya asked too which I nodded and went to jump of the counter but she stopped me "hey hey hey, no jumping, your still healing".

She then picked me up with ease and placed me back onto the floor, she handed me 3 plates and I put them on the table, Maya then placed the knives and forkes by each plate. "alright then my bella's, breakfast is served" Carina said in a cheery way as she placed waffles with Nutella on my plate, Maya then put a few strawberries on it. They both then sat down at the table and started to eat.

I hadn't even started yet as I was used to being told to wait until the adults ate before I could, otherwise I'd be punished. "Bambina, why aren't you eating? Is something wrong?" Carina then asked as she noticed I hadn't had a single bite, I looked at her and answered "can't est until you guys have finished". Maya shook her head and replied "not here you don't, we all eat together", I looked at Carina ang gave her the 'seriously' look.

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