Chapter 5 (Homecheck)

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Maya's POV

I was definitely shocked when Carina called me up yesterday about this girl but I could practically hear how concerned she was for her safety. We were still getting over the fact we had lost our baby due to a miscarriage, we had no way of telling Jack as he had left a while back to deal with a few personal things. Andy had basically replaced him, it took her a while to accept that though which we could all understand.

It had been one hell of a roller-coaster just lately, then I have a phone call of my wife about wanting to adopt a kid. We spent most of last night, laying in bed discussing the whole thing, after a while of hearing Carina talk about this girl I started to understand why she wanted to adopt her. We have a social worker who is coming to see us within the hour. According to my wife she seemed alot nicer than the worker who came to talk to Kimberly yesterday.

"Are you okay belle?" I suddenly heard and looked up to see my beautiful wife looking at me with a anxious smile on her face, I nodded my head and got up from my seat at the kitchen table and placed a kiss on her lips "it's just alot to take in babe but I'm fine". She then engulfed me into a warm embrace, God I love this woman so much, she really did give the most amazing hugs and she always seemed to make you smile no matter how sad you were.

"I love you Maya and I'm really grateful that you are even giving this a chance, you don't even know her, you haven't met her yet but your still willing to give this a try" she then said too which I smiled at her and let myself relax in her embrace "I love you too Car and I know I haven't met her yet but going by how you talk about her, she seems like an amazing kid... When is she free to leave Grey Sloan?".

We then detached from the hug and she looked me in the eyes as she answered my question "she has to stay there overnight for further observation but then she will be discharged in the morning". I nodded my head and then asked another question that seemed quite important "have you spoken to her about all this yet?", I saw my wife freeze up at that and she frowned before shaking her head.

"I would have... But I don't want to give her false hope Maya, the bambina has been through so much already, I want to atleast have the confirmation of Nicky first before I ask her" she then said, answering the question. I understood what she meant, that poor girl could get her hopes up just to have the whole thing shut down, it probably is best to wait till we know what CPS actually think.

KNOCK KNOCK, I looked to Carina to give her a reassuring smile before walking up to the front door and opening it to see a kind looking woman who had a case in her hand that I'm assuming was full of paperwork. "You must be Nicky, I am Maya Deluca Bishop, it's lovely to meet you" I said before I held my hand out for her to shake which she did "Ahh, the firefighter, yes, it is nice to meet you too" she said.

I then showed her to the living room where we all took a seat after she shook hands with my very nervous wife, I took her hand in mine and gave is a squeeze before we both looked at Nicky who was getting some forms out of her case. "First things first, before I can start I need to see some forms of ID" she then said, Carina had already told me I would need that so we both had it in our pockets ready.

Once we had showed her our IDs she nodded before scribbling down something in one of the boxes on the form, "thank you for that, now I basically just need to go through a few questions with you both of that is ok? And then I need to have a look round" she asked. Carina nodded and answered her "si, that is fine" so Nicky then started to ask us a ton of questions, some seemed pretty stupid but we answered then nonetheless.

"That's perfect, thank you, now I'm gonna have a look round" she then said before getting up of the seat with one of the forms and a pen in her hand. She went through the whole house, we saw her checking boxes and scribbling down some things on the form and then she soon came back into the living room and took a seat back down in the chair. "I have had a look round and everything seems perfect, there are just a few things I thought I should mention" she then said.

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