Chapter 10 (Sad Star)

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Kimberly's POV

I have been getting on with Maya so much better since that day, Carina is alot happier about it too, like her whole mood got even more brighter than normal and that was all because I trusted them both. Sure I didn't exactly call them my mom's yet but that's cause I don't even know if I'll be staying here plus my mamma would probably be angry with me if I did.

I had gone to the station quite a few times after school and had gotten close with them all, especially Andy, she is just reeallllyyy fun. But the only thing im worried about is her finding out about the bullies at school, Andy is just really good at noticing thing's, a sudden flinch, a change of mood, she picks up on it. She even asked me once, point blank 'are you being bullied?' and of course I told her no.

"Kimberly! Would you like to show us your song?" I suddenly heard which interupptef my train of thought, I looked up to see Mrs Hernandez standing in the front of the class staring at me with her signature smile. I shrugged my shoulders "I guess I can" I said before getting my lyric book out and placing it on the stand of the keyboard where music sheets go.

I then start to hit to keys that I had chosen for the song, it was a low song so most of the notes were on the left hand side of the keyboard. Once I had done the intro I then started to sing as I kept hitting the keys, I didn't even need to look at the lyrics as I had basically remembered them. It was kinda hard not to though, considering every lyric had a powerful meaning that meant something too me.

It was about feeling lost and alone in the world, it was about the times you would feel like giving in, the times you would be knocked down. Despite the song being about all of this, it also had a positive, it told us that, no matter how many times we get knocked down, YOU get back UP! You don't let others choose when it's over, only you can truly decide that. The song is about finding the light in your life, even if it seems very pitch black, somewhere, someone is holding a light.

"That was incredible in fact, I think you all learned a very valuable lesson on song writing, well done Kimberly, I'm impressed... But certainly not surprised!" Mrs Hernandez said before giving me a warm smile. The hell then signaled it was the end of class but also the end of school, Music was my last period today, as I was abouts to walk out with the other kids my teacher suddenly stopped me.

She waited till everyone was out the classroom and she smiled proudly at me "oh Kimberly, I really do believe you can go so far in life with this talent... This is why I have decided you should be the person to perform at the music recital next month, a person from each school gets to perform and I believe you, my star student are the one to do it!".

I looked at her gobsmacked, my eyes widened in complete shock, after a minute of just standing there I then stutter out "w, w, what? B, but I couldn't do that, could I?". My teacher nodded her head proudly "oh I know you can! Your the best student I have In any of the classes I teach" I then smile at her and nod my head excitedly "yes yes yes, oh thank you so much Mrs Hernandez". She then hands me a piece of paper with the details of the recital and any rules we must follow.

I put it straight into my bag and thank her before proceeding to walk out and head to the station, but as I am leaving the main entrance you never guess who's waiting there. Roxanne and her meddling minions. "Hey freak, I heard what Mrs Hernandez told you, don't even bother, you absolutely suck... You music literally makes me want to slit my wrists, you'll send everyone into an asylum" she said rudely as she wore a proud smirk.

I shake my head and try to walk past her "who said you could go anywhere, WERE not finished bitch!" she said as she stopped me and pulled me back by my hair. She swung me into the brick wall as if I was a ragdoll, I hit the side of my cheek on the wall and it hurt so much. The two girls just laugh along as Roxanne continues to hurt me "Roxy, Roxy Roxy" they chant as she throws punches.

I feel the tears start to spill as the pain gets hard to deal with "Aww the baby gonna cwy again" one of the girls mocks , I just look at the floor in embarrassment. Roxanne then jokes coldly "probably gonna go run to her mommy... Oh wait, you don't have one" they then laugh at that before Roxanne holds me by the shirt tightly as she pins me against the wall and she does a hard uppercut to my face.

I instantly place a hand over my nose which is now bleeding and heavily at that. Roxanne and the girls leave me standing there trying to stop the blood gushing from my nose. I knew that I couldn't stay here, plus Maya would be wondering where I am by now, it doesn't take me this long to walk to the station, so I begin walking as I try to sort my nose out but it's not a easy task.

When I get to the station I see Andy and Robert having some sort of argument but she suddenly stops in her tracks when she sees me "Kacey! (initials being KC) what the hell happened?" she said in panic and rushed over to me. I go to answer but she stops me "don't talk... Robert, go get Maya NOW!" Sullivan then goes running off towards the gym where she is most likely working out.

Andy checks my nose over and sees that it's not broken so she pinches the bridge of it, I go to hold my head back but she stops me and tells me that I shouldn't do that because then I'll just swallow all the blood as it goes into my throat. So she gets me to lean forward and just let it gush as she pinches the nose, she also holds a tissue underneath my nostrils for the blood to land on.

"Kimmy! Sweetheart, what happened? Who did this to you?" I suddenly hear and see Maya running to me, her mood laced with anger and concern. After about five more minutes my nose finally stops bleeding, Maya got Ben to check me over and he said I was fine but I should definitely take it easy and relax for a few days. Andy me and Maya were now sat in the beanery when I decided I had to speak up now.

"You know when I first walked in here and Carina and Ben took me to Grey Sloan, well, it wasn't just my foster parents who had been hurting me" I suddenly said, Maya was keeping her eyes on me at all times, listening to what I was abouts to say but Andy interrupted knowing full well what I was gonna say "your being bullied" I simply nod my head before bursting out into tears.

Maya pulled me into a warm embrace too which I rested my head in the crook of her neck, continuing to cry. Maya brushed her fingers through my blonde hair and tried to reassure me that everything will be alright but then Andy spoke up "right, get up!". I turned my head to look at her in confusion, Maya also looked pretty lost but Andy spoke again and Sterner "get up now!".

One thing I had learned since coming to the station is, never piss of a latina, so I jumped straight up from the seat "come on, were going to the gym, I'm gonna teach you how to defend yourself!" she says as she holds out her hand. I look at Maya who looks back at her and asks "are you sure that's a good idea, your defending skills are a little too good Andy!". The latina just shook her head "yes but ill also show her what not to do, okay?"

Maya thought for a moment before nodding "okay... But if she gets suspended from school for fighting, I'll be blaming you Herrera, YOU!", Andy just laughed "ill accept that" she then looked at me and smiled "come on Rocky, let's show you how to box!" and just like that we both went running to the gym and Andy began showing me how to defend myself. She taught me how to block punches, she taught me how to hold them back and most importantly, how to throw a decent punch.

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