Chapter 12 (Friends And Feuds)

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We got a little twist in the end of this chapter, something you wouldn't be expecting so enjoy!!

Kimberly's POV

Today had gone alot better than most days I've had in this school and that was all because of Meredith's kids, despite the fact Zola was 2 grades above me, she hung out with me at break time and lunch, she stuck up for me when Roxanne and her minions tried to bully me. They didn't dare mess with a girl in a higher grade, its just something you didn't do so I was pretty thankful to her.

It was pretty funny to find out that Bailey was in 2 of my classes, he's been great, we have science together and he's actually really good at it, but that's probably cause Meredith works at a hospital. He also told me that I'll definitely get better especially if Carina is now one of my foster parents, he told me that she is pretty damn good at science, but I suppose she has to be, just like Meredith.

Bailey is also in the same class as me for History and we both agree that it's boring, however, Bailey is what you call smart, so despite the fact its a boring lesson that he doesn't enjoy, it doesn't stop him from getting good grades. He offered to help me study but I turned him down because I'm not really good at accepting help, I've never been offered it before.

Anyway, the bell just rang and it was the end of the school day, and the week, thannnnkkk the Lord. "Hey Kimmy, hey doufus" Zola says as she comes running up to me and Bailey, Bailey playfully punches her arm "your the doufus" he laughs. I loved the bond then two had, like they absolutely loved each other but at the same time they loved winding each other up and calling each other names.

"Hey guys?" I said getting their attention, they both turn to me and smile waiting for me to continue "thank you for today, I've never really had a friend before, it was nice". Zola put her arm around me as we proceeded to walk out the school "we're so not friends Kimmy, we're family..."Bailey then adds to her statement "like cousins!". I smile at that because I've never really had someone call me their family before.

When we get to the car park I see a man in a car instead of Meredith "who's that?" I ask when I see Zola and Bailey approaching the car without hesitation, "he's out mom's best friend and colleague" Bailey answers and just then the car door opens and there stands a fairly muscled man. "Hey Uncle Alex" they both greet him, he smiles back at them "hey kids" he then looks at me and questions "who's this?".

Zola then answers "this is Kimmy, Carina and Maya are fostering her", he then nods and smiles again and holds out his hand for me to shake, it was pretty awkward but we did it anyway "nice to meet you Kimmy, me and Carina are good friends so it's nice to officially meet the girl she's been going on about non stop". I giggle at that, Alex then turns to Zola and Bailey "we just need to pick Ellis up and then go home, your mom will be  back in a few hours".

They both then look at me, Bailey is the first to speak up "guess I'll see you Monday then Kimmy" we then fist bump and he gets in the car, then it's Zola's turn who just smiles at me widely before pulling me in for a hug "you have mine and B's phone number so just text or call if you need us... Stay safe Kim's". I nod my head and thank her before she gets in the car, Alex then looks at me "see you around kid!" he says before getting into the drivers seat.

I wave them goodbye as they drive off and I smile before making my way to the station, when I get there I see a cute looking man having some sort of disagreement with Andy.  "I get it Jack I do, but you left without saying goodbye or leaving a single message to let anyone know you were safe!" I hear her yelling. I kinda stand there awkward not really knowing what to do considering I'd have to walk past them.

"I know Andy but like I said, I'm sorry but I, I had to clear my head... You were there dammit!" he yells back at her, Andy just shakes her head and sighs loudly "yes I was there Jack, that's exactly the point, you complain about it, you act like you have no family because they gave you up but you had us Jack, you had us... We were you family and you just left without saying goodbye".

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