Chapter 11 (The Phone Call )

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Carina's POV

Maya and Kimmy met me at the hospital last night, after I had finished my shift, it was a busy one so I was super tired but when I saw my bambina I noticed she had a bruise on the side of the face. Maya saw my sense of worry and mouthed to me 'ill tell you later' so here I am laying in bed waiting for my wife to come in, we had tucked Kimberly in and gave her a kiss on the head just an hour ago, she was also pretty tired.

When Maya came in she gave me a tease as she walked over all seductively, I smiled at her "bella as much as I'd love too right now, the bambina is just in the other room" she pouts as she face plants on to the bed and groans. She then turns over to face me "It feels like it's been forever since we've done it" I chuckle before placing a kiss on her lips "I know, I miss it too, but the last thing I wanna do is traumatise her".

Maya the nods in agreement with me "your right, she's definitely gone through enough already... Seeing us at it probably wouldn't make things any easier" I chuckle "no bella definitely not". Despite the fact we couldn't have sex, it didn't stop us from our nearly naked bodies touching each other as we cuddle "what happened today anyway? That bruise on her face looks painful".

My wonderful wife then looks me in the eyes as she still rests her head on me, she frowns "she came to the station after school, she had a nosebleed and her cheek was pretty red... Andy helped and she got Robert to come get me, I got Ben to check her over " she sighs before continuing "that day she came in the clinic and you and Ben took her to Grey Sloan... It wasn't just her foster parents that had hurt her, she was being bullied".

I gasped and looked at my wife in disbelief "but why didn't she tell us?", Maya shook her head "we didn't get that far into the discussion, Andy took her to the gym to train her how to defend herself". I look at her wide eyed knowing full well what happened last time Andy defended herself, I mean, she had every right to do it but it only caused more problems for her when he DIED.

"Maya" I yelled in a whisper "i admit she needs to know how to defend herself but we all know what happened to Andy", my wife then shuts me up by kissing me  "I know but listen" she says before stroking my cheek with the palm of her hand "Andy has already told her where she shouldn't punch and what not to do so to speak... The most they did today was learn how to block punches". I take a breathe I didn't realise I was holding.

"I guess thats ok then... I, I just don't want things to go wrong for her you know? After reading her file the other day I think its safe to say, she's been through hell!" I then say to her, Maya smiles sadly as she nods her head "I know babe, but she has us now, she has the guys at the station and your friends at the hospital too, she's got a whole village on her side". I nod my head in agreement before straddling Maya on the bed and giving her a super long kiss.

We break it off when we had the sudden need to breathe, Maya chuckles "stop teasing me, you know I can't resist this body". I smirk "it's fun" we then kiss again before getting back into the position we were before when cuddling "I'm so lucky, I don't just have one, but two bambinas" I say with a smile Maya then chuckles and replied back with a a smirk "oh I know, before you know it, she'll be calling you mommy too". I glare at her "Maya" I yell in another whisper.

Kimberly's POV

The next morning I open my eyes to the sound of my alarm going off, groaning in annoyance I hit the button on my phone to shut it off before getting up out of bed. I then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair before going for a wee and then washing my hands. Once I did that I made my way into the kitchen in my rabbit onesie "buongiorno" I say as I see Maya and Carina in the kitchen.

"Buongiorno bambina, have a good sleep?" Carina greets me back, Maya also replies back "good morning Kimmy". I smile before taking a seat at the table "I sure did, who knew boxing could be so tiering" I say with a yawn, Carina then chuckles "don't go training with Maya then if you think that's tiering, even Andy was annoyed with her when she was captain".

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