Chapter 4 (Asking Maya)

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Carina's POV

When Janet left the room to I assume make phone calls I decided to make one myself, to my wife. I know what I'm abouts to ask her is something so big and definitely out of the blue but I just don't feel like I can let this girl go, what if she was to end up somewhere abusive again? No I just couldn't let that happen, no way. So I dialed Maya's contact and waited for her to answer.

M= Maya
C= Carina

M: hey babe, everything ok?

C: ciao belle, si, I am ok but I need to talk to you about something

M: well you caught me at a good time, I'm free, what's up?

C: I'm sure Ben has told you about a patient that came in the clinic earlier

M: no, but we haven't really had time to chat or anything, it's been pretty busy at the clinic today, why?

C: ok, well, a young girl walked in and practically collapsed in my arms so me and Ben took her to Grey Sloan

M: what? Is she ok?

C: that's the thing belle, she's not, I, I just don't want to leave her Maya, she, she needs me, I can tell

M: I'm not to sure where this is going Car

C: she is in the system, can you believe she's been in 22 different homes in just 7 years?

M: your kidding? 22!

C: si, she's only 11 Maya, I, I want us to adopt her or something, I don't know belle, I, I just don't know what to do

M: oh... Right, sorry, that kinda caught me off guard Carina

C: I know and I'm sorry, i know it's sudden but how was we to know we would cross paths today?

M: ok, well erm... what's she like?

C: oh Maya, she is the sweetest bambina, she actually looks alot like you belle, blue eyes, blonde hair

M: so basically, you, you wanna adopt a mini version of me?

C: Si, i know it's alot to ask but please think about it

M: I'm not gonna lie, it's definitely took me by surprise Carina but if you really feel like you want to do this then I'm all in

C: you mean that?

M: yes babe, you tell that social worker...
I do have to go now, Beckett is calling us to line up but I love you Carina and ill see you later and we can talk more about this

C: Si Maya, I love you too, i have so much more to tell you later belle, stay safe


After that phone call I took a long breathe I didn't even realise I was holding, I smiled though, knowing my wife was ok with it, so then I went searching for the social worker. It didn't take me long as she was speaking on the phone near the exit, probably to her boss, when she saw me she held up her finger to signal for me to wait. A few seconds later she ended the call and looked directly at me.

"Do you need something?" she asked me in an annoyed tone, I nodded my head and didn't waste any time in telling her "I've spoken to my wife and we would like to adopt her". She looked at me, as if trying to read me before she raised her eyebrow "your serious" she said, kinda sounding rather shocked but I just nodded at her "si" too which she must shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, you can't just adopt her, that's not how the system works, you'll have to Foster her for at least six months and then you get to make a decision on whether you want to adopt her" Janet then started to explain, i listened to every word but then asked "that's fine, how do we go about fostering her?". She looked back at me from looking at her tablet and then answered "well you'll have to get a fostering license".

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