Chapter 2 (Meeting Carina)

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Kimberly's POV

"GET YOUR ARSE UP AND OUT OF HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT" I suddenly heard, like I could even sleep, I'm so tired and I'd love nothing more than to go to sleep but it's not safe too. Of course after hearing his voice I waste no time in getting up from the dirty mattress on the floor that I had for a bed and grabbing my backpack along with putting in any school work and of course Mr Fluff.

I then take a deep breathe before walking out my bedroom door and making my way downstairs. "oh good, your up NOW GET OVER HEAR NOW!" he said angrily as he stared at me with such evil eyes, I gulped as I walked over to him. Sure enough he gave me a few punches like he did every morning, I'd be pretty alarmed if I didn't receive my morning beating!

While he did all of that, she just sat and watched at the kitchen table, my current Foster parents, honestly both as bad as each other. Proper alcoholics, it's not even 8 am yet and they're already drunk out of their minds. As soon as he is done though she snaps at me telling me to leave as she throws a glass that just misses me by an inch.

The walk to school was pretty quiet and boring, I didn't have a phone so I couldn't listen to music, I had no choice but to just walk the street with my head down. When I got closer to the school I heard my name being called out, I sighed as i knew whoever it was, it wouldn't be good, I don't have friend's so this wasn't a social call or something like that.

"HEY LOSER" I then heard again before I was shoved to the ground, loads of laughter could then be heard by other student's, "I was hoping you'd be dead by now... Such a shame" my main bully, Roxanne viciously said as she gave me a kick to the stomach. Her minions who followed her around then gave me a couple kicks to the ribs too before they all left since the bell had gone off.

Due to that, I was late to my first class too which the teacher gave me an after school detention, he didn't care to hear my reason for being late and quite frankly I didn't say anything anyway as Roxanne and her friends would just get away with it. When it got too second lesson I suddenly found myself being woken up by my geography teacher, she didnt look to impressed that's for sure.

During my way to the library at lunch break I bumped into who I always tried to avoid, Roxanne smirked "look who we have hear... We heard you got detention, dont worry though, we'll still wait for you after school" her friends snickered to her remark. "Rox, show her who's boss!" one of them suggests too which Roxanne just nods before throwing me into the lockers and giving me another hard kick to the ribs and stomach area.

Not gonna lie, I was really starting to feel pretty bad now, it hurt to breathe and walk, but I just kept pushing through, once I got to the library I sat there and just read my book on italian language. I didnt have lunch as my Foster parents refused to give me any and they didn't agree in giving me money so I couldn't get food from the cafeteria with credits as I had non.

When I heard the bell go off I made my way to my last lesson, it was hard but I was used to being in pain, it was my life so I just kept going and as soon as I got in the classroom I sat down and started the work. I was thankful it was Art so I actually enjoyed the subject and it didn't involve alot, my teacher for that subject too was pretty nice, I really liked her, definitely my favourite teacher.

After that lesson the bell had gone off signalling the end of school, I unfortunately couldn't leave yet I had to go to detention for being late this morning, not like it was in my control though but hey, who cares right? The whole time I was there I couldn't stop worrying about Roxanne and the other two, I was already hurt pretty bad and I don't think I could deal with anymore, especially since my Foster father would want to give me my evening beating too.

"You didn't think we would forget did you?" Roxanne said which interrupted my train of negative thinking, I gulped before her friends held me back, Roxanne just threw punch after punch. Once she was done she laughed "you can let the freak go now girls, we can continue tomorrow", hearing her say this really got my heart going faster as I lay on the floor in agony.

Despite the fact I was in so much pain I had to get up, it took me a while but I eventually got on my feet, I was pretty dizzy so I couldn't do much but just make sure I put one foot in front of the other, taking each step slowly or I knew I'd just fall to the ground. My head was spinning, I'd never felt so dizzy in my life, every breath I took felt like weights were crushing me.

As I continued to walk I suddenly saw a fire station that had a sign out there saying something about a walk in clinic, I frowned as I stud for a moment thinking whether I should go in. I mean they could call my Foster parents and then I'd be in even more shit, or they'd call social services and then I'd just get passed onto someone else.

But something inside me was telling me to go in, plus I felt so much worse than I did 10 minutes ago, like all that walking from school had done more damage or something, I just need to sit down. So I slowly walked into the barn of the firehouse, I saw curtain type things up which were obviously there to give the patients some privacy. "Ciao, can I help you?" i suddenly heard and looked up to see a beautiful woman with brown eyes and brown hair.

"I, I... I" I tried to speak but I just couldn't get the words out then before I knew it, I was falling too the ground, like my leg's had given up, she managed to catch my fall though and layed me down on the floor "don't worry bambina, you'll be okay!" I heard her say before my eyes slowly started to close and then there was darkness. Well if this is how I go, atleast I can say I was in someone's arms who seemed like a decent person, plus they were obviously Italian.

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