Chapter 9 (Five Fire Emergency)

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Kimberly's POV

It had been atleast an hour since I arrived at the station, I had given my math homework a go but I wasn't completely happy with it, I just don't feel I did very well. I was having a sip of water from my bottle when Travis decided to get up from the seat at the desk and he walked into room where a TV was and a couple sofas. "I thought you couldn't leave the desk?" I asked as I saw him take a seat on the sofa.

"I'll take my chances kid, I need to see whats going on since nobody is keeping me updated" he answered before switching the TV on and then I saw what was happening, what Maya and all the other firefighters were dealing with, a factory fire, a real big one at that, which kept spreading to other nearby buildings. It was too hard for them to contain, there had been loads of fatalities and severely injured people being taken out.

It was then I realised just how much I really did like Maya, 'if, if she don't make it out of there, I don't know if I could forgive myself, I never told her I loved her, I never gave her cuddles like I did with Carina'. She can't die, she just can't, I couldn't bare to look at the TV anymore, it was too painful to see, so I ran out the room and into the bathroom. As I slid down against the tiled wall I felt my breath hitching, my palms getting sweaty.

Tears instantly started to fall from my eyes, it got really hard to breathe, like really really hard, I felt myself getting dizzy from the speeded heart rate. "Hey kid, I, I probably shouldn't have let you see that, I'm sorry, but can you come out, Maya will be fine, she's a fighter, she's one of the best" I heard Travis say from outside the door, he sounded concerned but I couldn't answer, heck I couldn't even breath.

I don't know how long it was, what must've felt like atleast 20 minutes but I know it had been less than that, my phone started to ring and I saw it was Carina, I clicked accept on the call and I instantly heard her voice on the other end of the phone.

C - Bambina, Travis called, are you okay?

K - c, c, can't, b, b, b, breathe

C - oh tesoro your having a panic attack, it's okay just take deep breathe alright?

K - .....

C - breathe in 1,2,3 breathe out, breathe in 1,2,3

I tried to do what she said and eventually I had managed to slow my breathing down, the tears were still streaming though

C - bambina, you okay?

K - she can't die Carina, she can't, I, I was horrible to her and, and...

C - oh Kimmy tesoro, don't even say that, you weren't horrible you were just struggling and that's ok, you find it hard to trust and me and Maya get that, she understands bambina. And Maya, well she is a fighter, she's strong and brave, just you wait, she'll come back from that fire and you can tell her how you feel si?

K - si, si, your right, I'm sorry Rina

C - if there is anything you should be apologising for and that's for not letting me know you got to station... What did I tell you to do?

K - oh, shoot, I, I'm sorry I completely forgot... I'm not used to having to tell people where I am

C - I get that and your forgiven, but next time you let me know... Now get yourself up from the floor and go be with Travis, if you need me, just give me a call, te amo Kimmy

K - ok, grazie Rina and love you too

Once that phone call was over I did what she told me and opened the door to see Travis waiting there looking rather concerned "I'm sorry for running off like that, I'm okay now" I said, he turned his head to me and smiled in relief "you don't hasv to apologise, I get it, your worried about Maya... Let's go back to the desk though yea" I nodded my head and we walked back to the desk where he got started on some paperwork that was on the side.

"What are you working on?" I asked as I saw him looking really concentrated on the paperwork in front of him, he didn't take his eye of them as he answered "I'm running for mayor" I smiled at him, impressed and replied "that's pretty cool, I hope you do well!". He smiled back at me "thanks kid, I'll be happy as long as Dixon don't win". I let him get back to them forms as I spun around in the swivel chair, after about another 30 minutes or so I heard the sound of trucks coming into the station.

Travis instantly jumped from the seat and ran to the barn where a load of firefighters got out and went running to the showers or to the beanery, they all looked exhausted and I can't say I'm surprised. The whole time though I kept looking  at each face, hoping to see Maya but I couldn't see her. I felt tears start to spill again as my brsi started to think the worse, then all a sudden I heard her voice "Kimmy!".

I instantly looked up and saw her standing at a distance from me, I smiled widely and ran straight up to her and into her arms, she caught me and seemed pretty taken back "I'm so sorry Maya, I do love you, and I trust you, I, I just, I was scared but I thought you were gonna die and then I realised that if you did I wouldn't have hugged you or told you how I really felt, please don't leave me Maya, I'm so so sorry" I cried out to her as I gripped onto her tightly.

She lifted my head up with her thumb like Carina does when I am upset, she made me look her in the eyes and she smiled "sweetheart, I get it, you were svaeddand you had every right to be, all your life, people destroyed your trust to them, they let you down, I am really happy to hear you say this though and I love you too okay? You hear me, I love you too. Me and Carina are so lucky to have had you come into our lives, your a little Ray of sunshine and you don't have to worry, I ain't going anywhere!".

She picked me up, too which I wrapped my legs around her waist and rested my head in the crook of her neck,"you hungry kiddo?" she asked, I nodded my head slightly and she smiled "me too, how about I sort us some sandwiches and then we can watch some TV or something yea?" she asked. I then lifted my head and looked her briefly in the eyes "I'd like that" I answered.

She did us a simple ham and cheese sandwich and placed a packet of crisps (I'm British so please don't complain, I just see chips as you see fries 😂), we then sat at the table in the beanery and ate our food. "Hey Maya, you gonna introduce us or what?" one of the girls asked, Maya chuckled before nodding and answering "guys, meet Kimmy, Kimmy, meet the team, guys introduce yourself!".

Suddenly everyone started to tell me there names and they welcomed me to the family, it was a bit overwhelming but the same girl who had asked maya to do that spoke up to everyone in a bossy Manor "guys, give her some space, your freaking her out!". I smiled at her and she smiled back before giving me a hug "I'm Andy, it's nice to finally meet you in person Kimmy, Maya and Carina told me alot about you".

After we had finished eating our food me and Maya made our way into the TV room, there wasn't any dvds so we had to flick through the channels until we found a Disney film that was playing. Me and Maya sat on the same sofa and for the first time this week I snuggled into her, she kissed me on the forehead, Andy was sat on the other sofa and was watching the film like us.

Halfway through the film I looked around the room just out of curiosity to what was in here and I saw the piano, my eyes popped from my head in amazement "you have a piano!" I blurted out, making Maya and Andy jump out their skin. "Yea, can you play?" Andy answered with a question I nodded my head and smiled "I'm the star student in my music class!". Maya then looked at me wide eyed and smiled widely "you never told us that!".

I shrugged my shoulders "I didn't think it mattered", Maya shook her head and replied "well any of your talents matter to us, can you play us something?" I looked at her kinds surprised that she would want to hear me play but I shrugged it off and walked over to the piano and sat down at the stool and played my hand on the keys, I hit each note perfectly too amazing grace." Wow kid, that was incredible!" Andy said in amazement I thanked her before sitting back down and cuddling into Maya.

"I have to write a song and pick an instrument to use in our music class, I've already started on the lyrics" I then said, too which Maya replied as she ran her fingers through my hair "I'm sure you'll do brilliantly... My shift is over in 10 minutes so we can pick Carina up and then head home okay?" I nodded my head and we sat down finishing the rest of the movie together before her shift ended.

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