Chapter 3

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   "Can we go check out some clubs now?"  Raeis asks me.  "I don't know, is it safe to come out now?"

She rolls her eyes.  "Oh my God, Thessa, you can't let this girl control your life.  Remember all the reinventing and fun we talked about?  How are you going to do any of that if you're going to be a complete recluse in the dorm?"

I sigh.  I know she's right.  "Fine, but if she sees me, we run."  "I'll take it."


"Welcome to our LGBT+ club.  We're called LGBT All Tea.  If you join us, you'll learn the history of LGBT+ people, do fun activities, and even go on field trips.  We welcome all LGBT+ people, no matter the letter.  You're clearly apart of the community since you're here, so we'd love to have you."  A dude says to us.  I'm assuming he's the leader.

"I can't believe a club like this actually exists

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"I can't believe a club like this actually exists.  I'd love to join!"  I say to him.  I take the pen and sign up before giving it to Raeis.  She does the same.

"Will I get to hook up with hot women?"  Raeis asks him.  He leans over, his hand by his mouth, and whispers to her.  "Yes."

"Definitely count me in."  She responds with a satisfied smile.  The dude claps with glee, a bright smile on his face.  "We're so happy to have you.  I'm Theo.  I'm the gay president of this club.  I always like to say, "I put the G in gay and I put the G in gorgeous.  Well, the first G anyway.  Our club meetings are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  We even have our own pride merch that we give to you for free."

My eyes almost pop out of my head.  "Oh wow.  That's mad impressive."  "Yes, queen.  We are highly established,"  Theo says, proudly smiling.  "This isn't even all of us.  We have arooooouund.......five hundred members.  At least."

Raeis' jaw drops.  "Five hundred?"  She says.  He nods his head, contorting his lips.  "There's just that many queer people that wanted to join, and they've been loving it ever since.  Otherwise, no one would be in it."  He responds.

The fact that this place is big enough for five hundred people to be in one club is astounding.

"Where do you hold the meetings then?"  I question curiously.  "We meet in the cafeteria.  We have to.  Our group is too big to fit in a classroom."

This is the biggest club I've ever heard of.  I don't even think sororities have that many members.

"So we have an initiation process.  Don't worry, we're not gonna haze you.  We're not like the sororities,"  He says and giggles.  "What we like to do is paint our hands in rainbow pride colors and put them on a piece of paper on the wall.  Your handprint is unique like you and everything that makes you you, including your sexuality, and we like to signify that."

Raeis looks like she's in awe.  "I love absolutely everything about that."  She says.  "Well, we have to get going.  It's so great to be apart of you guys."  I say.

Theo smiles brightly at us, waving.  "Bye, queens.  Your first meeting with us is Friday.  Don't forget."

"You got it."  I say as Raeis nods.  We say bye to them and walk away.


Raeis is away at the cheerleader table as I'm checking out drama club.  I walk away, and that's when the she devil herself walks up to me.

"Oh shit, Hessie.  Nice to see you.  More like Hussy."  She says with a condescending smile.

"No, Silas!  What are you doing?"  I say, terrified.  She smiles in pleasure.  "Shut the fuck up, bitch."  She says before putting my face in the toilet.

I try to hold my breath under the water.  It feels like forever before she pulls me back up.  I desperately gasp for air.

"Come on, Hessie.  Make sure you get some nice breaths in.  Ion need you dyin' on me.  I ain't gettin' in trouble for that."

After I catch my breath, she dunks me back in again.

Out of nowhere, my fist punches her hard in the eye.  "Ow!  What the fuck, Hessie?!"  She says, covering her eye with her hand.

The dean comes over.  "To my office.  Now."


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