IM ALIVE/Request boundries!

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So most of you forgot me and that's fair but I'M ALIVE
And have fallen for people who died, are hated, have emotional trauma, or all of them again!

I uninstalled the app because I got really unmotivated on here, but other then that I've been living nicely, but I now said
"Me? Lady? Nah. Me? Man? Yeah."

So I'm trans now.

Also I might not be crazy active writing, but I'll try my best!

Now, request me SDRA2 or DRA people or ships!

I will do:
Character × Character
BROTP's (platonic ships)
Slight lemons (like making out. Is that called lime? Idk)
Rare pairs
Crack ships
Mastermind swap AU's
Songfics (this one's kinda iffy)

I will NOT do:
Incest (yes, that includes Mikako and Yamato)
S*xual assault
Lemons (actual s*x)
Character × Reader (I'm not really comfy with those :/ )
S*xual songfic's
The ship children (I don't know much and I don't like talking about them that much as well)

These may be updated in the future, but for now, these are my boundaries.

Also please use trigger warnings (TW) for any topics that could be triggering

Most of these will be in a world where everyone was in the simulation, but they're alive and here, including Sora

You will be credited with the idea as well!
Please do request!

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