Plushies (Setsuka × Nikei × Mikado)

166 4 2

AU: Imperfect simulation + Good!AI Mikado
Tw: None ^^
Type: Fluffy like stuffed animals

Thank you SHSLFanfictionWriter for the request and headcanon, along with the information about some other things!


3rd person POV:

Setsuka and Mikado were preparing dinner like they had promised. Even if they didn't get along all the time, they had the shared thought of nothing but love for the Ultimate Journalist himself, Nikei Yomiuri. At first, when they all realized they liked each other, they weren't sure about what to do. The three talked out their feelings to each other and decided to have a polyamorous relationship. It was different from what they expected, but they loved each other to bits nonetheless.

Setsuka just put in their dinner in the oven, when Mikado spoke up. "Hey, I haven't seen Nikei for a few hours. Should we check on him?" He asked. The billard player only nodded as she set the stove to 45 minutes. The two walked over to their room. Setsuka could think of two things Nikei could be doing. The first and most likely option was that he was working, while the less likely one was that he was asleep. They've seen him take naps before, and it's absolutely adorable.

The two made it to their room. The door was closed, but not locked. Mikado opened the door...

...and was met with a sleeping Nikei.

He was curled up under the covers, almost like a dog. His expresion was relaxed for once, and it looked like he was holding something from under the blankets. "Awwww~!" Setsuka cooed at the sight of her other boyfriend. Mikado's mask smiled, and his revealed eye had a hint of joy in it. The wizard walked over to the sleeping journalist, slowly taking off the blanket. He was cuddling a stuffed animal, or more specifically, a tiger plushie. "Suka, could you write down 'plushies' on Nikei's gift list?" Mikado whispered as his hand went to pet the journalist.

Setsuka only nodded and got her phone out. She opened it to the list, wrote it down, and looked back at Nikei. "Doesn't he look so cute when he's asleep?" Setsuka walked over to the other side of Nikei and knelt down to be kneeling at the side of the bed. "Yeah, its so adorable when he gets embarrassed when he realizes we've been watching him." Mikado added to the statement. Then, almost suddenly, he woke up. "Huh? What..." He mumbled while rubbing his eyes. Setsuka couldn't handle the suspense and started talking. "Nik! What's the plushie's name?" She leaned towards him to get another look at the stuffed animal. The journalist took a second to process her. Once he realized what he was holding the question, he panicked and hid the plushie behind his back. His free hand pulled down his hat over his face.

"It's nothing." He mumbled, clearly embarrassed. "Nikei, I'm also interested on your little doll there." Mikado mentioned, leaning his head onto Nikei's lap. Of course, he got all defensive for two reasons. "Sh-Shut up Mikado!" He yelled. Mikado only rolled his eyes. They all knew he didn't mean it in as mean of a way he said it. "And she's not a doll, she's a-" Nikei stopped himself after that with a bit to the lip. Setsuka smiled. "So she's a girl!" Mikado grinned and wrapped his arms around his male lover's waist. Setsuka sat down next to the two. Both of Nikei's partners were now practically hovering over him.

The wizard then quickly removed the plush from the journalists hand, but still kept her behind his back. Nikei only sighed in frustration- no, Setsuka realized it was more of a giving in sigh. "Her name is Ember." He finally said, giving in to his two lover's. "Awww Nik! That's such a cute name!" Setsuka cooed again. Nikei only smiled and looked away slightly. "I agree with Suka." Mikado added, giving him back Ember. Nikei looked at the two. "Do you really think?" His head tilted slightly as he said that. Setsuka and Mikado nodded and smiled. Then, Nikei stood up and walked over to a drawer on his desk. "Then I might as well show you some others." He said before opening the drawer, revealing even more plushies. "Yay! More plushies!" Setsuka cheered, though Mikado looked just as excited, maybe even more.

The journalist then proceeded to talk about his other stuffed animals, handing them to everyone. The one that stuck out to Setsuka the most was a blue elephant simply named 'Blue Elephant'. "I've had him ever since I was three." He held him out for the others to hold. Mikado had collected a mountain of soft plushies, so Setsuka got the first dibs on holding them. Its texture was a little rough, but it was very comforting to her in a way. The wizard's mountain- or army, in his words -were made of mainly squishmellows. His favorite was one named 'Prince'.

After a while, Nikei had shown the two all of his stuffed animals. The three also agreed that the older stuffed animals had feelings, even though they weren't alive. That was something that mainly Nikei and Mikado came up with. Setsuka agreed, but not as excitingly sounding as Mikado did. No matter how old you are, the oldest stuffed animal always is treated the same way as when you were three.

After about another 10 minutes, the plushies were all introduced and handed out. "Thank you for showing us, Nik!" Setsuka grinned as she handed him back the plushies she had. "You're welcome, and you can just leave them there. Me and Mikado want to organize them!" He responded, eyes glowing with joy. "YAY!!" Mikado yelled, grinning from ear to cheek. Setsuka kissed her two boyfriends on the forehead and smiled. "I'm gonna check on out dinner. I think its been about 45 minutes." She chuckled. The two nodded and started organizing the stuffed animals.

Setsuka left the room feeling joy from the fluffy feeling of little soft beauty's being cuddled up against.

Word count: 1000

Exactly. 1000. I can rest in peace.

Sorry if this one is shorter than the others! I've been on a lack of motivation for a little bit, but I tried! And again, thank you for the request and info!

Also fun fact: i may or may not have projected a little bit onto Nikei for the Blue Elephant part.
He was with me while writing this.

But yeah

Get in your POTASSIUM

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