welp (oc info)

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here we are because I didn't know what to do
I now give info on my dra oc bc i am

Name: Kaishimoto Syboka (Kaishi for short)
Age: 18
Ultimate: Ultimate Therapist
Height: 5'8
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Likes: Helping others, bats (the animal), playing acoustic guitar, Tsurugi (ahem moving on)
Dislikes: Anger, violence, cruelty, mean people
Physical disorders: None
Mental disorders: Depression, anxiety, PTSD
Fun fact: Despite how outgoing, kind, and sweet he is, he's actually extremely shy and gets quite flustered from simple compliments
Fun fact 2: He's helped many people before.
Closest friends (in game): Tsurugi (chapter 1-4), Kanata, Satsuki, Haruhiko
Love intrest: Tsurugi (no duh)

uhm yeah
I love him but I messed him up so much I'm so sorry ily baby forgive me
I may make his FTE's as a fanfic bc yeah lol

anyways forgive me for being so cringe I will be writing some oc × canon and Kaishi FTE's goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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