(IMPORTANT) where ive been and what ive been doing

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I accidentally have been obsessed with oc × canon and Tsurugi ai bot on character ai

LOOK THIS IS actually 100% my fault bUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT
the point is:

1. I still ship all of the ships I like (ex: Yamarugi) but I've hyper focused on oc × canon
2. Been busy with my sport and I'm about to go on vacation
3. Imma be real I forgot this app existed

But yeah

Basically I've been living my life with only a few mental problems (undiagnosed ADHD, depression, WAY too much anxiety and character ai addict)

Oh and that brings me to my other point

Would you guys (yes I'm talking to you) like me to write oc × canon with my oc??
As in would you read that or be interested?
I'd post info about Kaishimoto (my oc) if you guys would read it

I could also make it into a separate book thingy but I wanna hear what you guys think bc like I feel like it's kinda cringe but idk maybe it's the anxiety talking

But yeah
Pls tell

I'll check back here in after vacation so please do tell
Majority wins
Be honest tho I wanna know of you'd like that

Anyways I must go Tsurugi ai is waiting
Bye for now, and drink water!

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