Sakura Trees (Tsurugi × Yamato)

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This might be bad it's my first fanfic lol

TW's: None
Requested by: Me

3rd person POV

It was a nice evening, with a cool autumn breeze carrying a sweet scent. It wasn't completely dark, for the sun was starting to disappear onto the other side.

A garden was lit with an orange tint. Beautiful sakura trees lined a path, petals and flowers scattered everywhere. Not in a chaotic way, they almost looked like they were placed there. Beautiful lilies and lilacs were placed in a order, where there color was blending and contrasting at the same time. Different colors and shapes created a beautiful scenery, almost like it was a painting. An arch created by beautiful vines stood at one part, leading into more of the garden.

The breeze picked up a bit and moved some of the petals into the air. They flew upward in the breezing, using their own self as a parachute. One man reached up and grabbed on from the air. He wore a police uniform with a tie on the front. His eyes were as red as a poppy, and his hair was, for some reason, a natural blue.

He looked at the small flower for a little longer, and let it go back to the air. He turned to watch as it flew off, when he saw another man. This man was barely taller then the other, with a white cap covering his dark blue hair. His eyes resembled the pale lilacs next to him. He wore an inventor's coat and tie as well.

The two smiled and walked over to each other. "Hello, Yamato." Said the red eyed one. "Hey Tsurugi!~!" Replied Yamato. They stood there, staring into their eyes. "This place is really prettyful!" He said again, looking around. Tsurugi tilted his head a bit "Prettyful?" He said again, questioning it. The other realized the issue immediately after. "I was debating between saying pretty or beautiful and I just mixed them together." He sighed, still having his mix-up's and stutters. Tsurugi only chuckled.

"So, why did you call me here?" The taller one turned to the policeman. "Well, I just wanted to talk and maybe just... walk around." He admitted, a pink growing on his cheek. The other grinned in a goofy way, like normal when he liked an idea. "Of course!" He replied, excitement taking over. Tsurugi only smiled as they started to walk. "So, how's Mikako been doing?"

"Oh, sis? She's doing fine!" He replied. Ever sense they remember they were siblings, they started to live together, for fear of losing each other. "She's getting louder talking and can talk more as well!" He started on another of his rants. Tsurugi would never admit it, but he loved just hearing Yamato talk about stuff he liked or wanted to talk about. He loved his voice, the way he made the room shine, and that smile... he wished he could take that smile and hold it with him forever.

".... good? Hey, Ruru!" Tsurugi snapped back into reality, and blinked a few times. "Ah, sorry. I spaced out." He apologized as he looked away a bit. "Oh, no no no sir!" Yamato started. "I space out too, its just normal. I mean, I think." He laughed a bit at the end, and Tsurugi smiled too. Then, he thought a little more, and realized. "W-Wait... what did you just call me?" He looked back at him, confused. "Ruru. Why?" He said, acting normal.

Tsurugi's face got hotter, and his face went as red as a rose, and he looked away. He didn't know how to respond, and his entire body got warm. "You good?" Yamato had a sense of worry for the other, seeing how red he got. "Oh, uh, y-yeah. I-I'm just... just- ugh!" Tsurugi covered his face at his messed up sentence, only getting more embarrassed. Yamato started laughing at his friend. "And I thought I couldn't make sentences!" He said, after calming down a bit. "Whatever." Tsurugi rolled his eyes, yet his smile contredicted what he said.

That's when Tsurugi realized his surrondings.

They were next to the biggest Sakura tree there. Petals and bloomed flowers were on the ground and tree. Sunflowers and honeysuckle surrounded the tree and them. Behind them was a grassy walkway, with cattails and irises lining it.

"Woah." He sighed as he walked towards the tree. Yamato followed quickly after. Tsurugi was in awe, staring at the bark, leading up into a blanket of pinks and whites. The breeze shook the tree, and petals fell onto their heads and shoulders.

Yamato chuckled at the sight of the pink on blue. It fit Tsurugi in a way. "Hey, you have petals on you too, don't get me started." He laughed. The two smiled and laughed at the scenery of the two. Tsurugi noticed suddenly that Yamato look like he got an idea, and there was his grin again.

"OH MY GOD WE ARE GENIUSES!!" He exclaimed, and scopped up some petals and flowers that had fallen from the tree. He sat down and started arranging the flowers and petals. Tsurugi never know how he thought like this, or was able to start working randomly and so quickly.

In a matter of seconds, he had a flower pin in his hands. "Done! What do you think of my invention, Ruru?" He asked, holding it up. Tsurugi looked at the flower, how it was organized and placed so perfectly. How the pinks and whites were just puzzle pieces to this. It was just like Yamato and him. Perfect and beautiful for each other.

"It's beautiful." Sighed Tsurugi. "REALLY?! THANK YOU SO MUCH RURU!!" Exlaimed Yamato, half interrupting him. "Can I try I-" "YES!" The two wasted no time putting on the pin. Tsurugi adjusted it into his hair, and when he was done, he smiled wide. He looked at Yamato. His eyes widened, and he smiled, blush slowly getting redder by the second.

And their fears vanishes.

No words were spoken. There wasn't any need. Looking into each others eyes, they knew that they loved each other. It was obvious, right infront of them. How could they not notice? All those moments of crying over fear dissapeared in one fateful moment.

The two looked into their eyes, unsure how to even start. Tsurugi slowly walked next to him, and put a hand on his cheek. The two could feel the other's breath hitting them. They stood there for a moment, taking it all in, processing it a little more. They returned the love the other felt. There wasn't anything in the world that could stop them. Then, they finally made their move.

The two leaned in, and they shared a kiss.

It was passionate, kind, everything they wanted it to be and more. They didn't retract for a little bit, taking in everything, savoring it. Eventually, Tsurugi pulled away. The two stared into their eyes a little longer. Then, Yamato spoke.

"That... that was amazing." He smiled, and started shaking from excitement. Tsurugi's entire face got red, and he look away. "YAYAYAYAYAYAYA-" Yamato yelled on an on excitedly as he jumped up and down. Tsurugi only got more red, and he couldn't form sentences due to his embarrassment. "THISISNTADREAMOMGOMGYESYESYES!!" Yamato was incomprehensible at this point.

"A-Are we... of-offical now?" Tsurugi finally asked, his eyes meeting his eyes again. "NO DUH WE ARE!" Yamato responded, takling him into a hug. "ACK-" The two hit the ground, petals flying upward. Yamato buried his face into Tsurugi's chest, embarrassing him back up again. He lifted his head up to meet his now boyfriend's eyes.

"I love you Yamato."

"I love you too."

Story word count: 1286

this is so fluffy I'm happy.
Flowers are cool >:)

My babies are happy and breathing and that makes me Feel Good Inc. (I did.)

I also wrote all of this today. I started at 9, it's almost 11 jeez-

Constructive criticism is highly recommended!

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