Yamarugi in a haunted house

102 3 2

Tw: Cursing,
Type: Crack
AU: Non-Despair


No one's pov:

Yamato stared into the house, fear knawing into his soul. Both Mikako and Tsurugi were very aware of that anxious glare into the house. "Yamato, are you okay?" Tsurugi asked, placing a hand on the unmoving man. "He's afraid...." Mikako replied for her brother. If looks could break things, the house would be reduced to atoms. "Let's get this over with." The inventor quickly said, walking into the haunted house. The other two followed quickly behind.

"Ghosts feed off of fear, so if you're confident, you'll be fine." Tsurugi said once they entered. Mikako nodded as Yamato thought of what to do to increase confidence. "Okay." He inhaled and started storming deeper in the house. "I AM NOT AFRAID. I AM NOT A PUSSY." Tsurugi just sighed and ran after him, making sure he doesn't die before they leave.

Time skip!

"KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Yamato scream at the top of his lungs, clinging onto Tsurugi like his life depended it for the fourth time. "Yamato calm down!" Tsurugi comforted, trying free himself from his boyfriends iron grip. Mikako only laughed at the sight. The police officer only sighed in disbelief at the sight. "Yamato, we have to keep going or else we'll never get out of-" He was cut off by a demon face popping out of the wall. Another high pitched scream, followed by Mikako's screech and her holding her cross necklace infront of its face. "God, if you two were alone, you'd never make it two steps into this place." Tsurugi groaned while Yamato buried his face in his shirt. This is my life now. He thought as he forced both of the siblings deeper into the house.

An actor popped out of a closet, dressed up as a demon with a metal bat. Yamato screamed again and Mikako started screaming in Latin again. Tsurugi looked at the actor, knowing his expression was telling them that he was tired. The actor realized that they weren't functional and let them continue. The cop could've cried at their act of dumb kindness. The trio walked through a gateway covered in cobwebs. There was a staircase they were forced to walk down to the next section. Yamato looked petrified, and Tsurugi knew what he had to do. "Do you need me to carry you down the stairs?" He asked, dead inside. The inventor nodded as tears ran down his face from the fear. Tsurugi felt really bad about how he was feeling while he picked hi,m up, so he gave him a kiss on the forehead. "We'll be out soon, I promise." He whispered as he walked down the stairs, holding his boyfriend close in his arms.

Once they were at the bottom, Tsurugi was about to set him down when he had a gut feeling to keep carrying him. Mikako was already moving forward, wanting nothing more than to get out. The three continued on their march through the house, coming across a dark abyss. Tsurugi was about to take another step forward when something tapped his shoulder. He turned around, coming face to face with a nun, looking disfigured and demonic.

Tsurugi, for the first time in that haunted house, screamed. Mikako turned and started screaming along with the two. The officer felt Yamato go limp in his arms. He quickly looked down and noticed the inventor had fainted from the fear. Panic spread through his body like lightning, and he looked at Mikako with concern etched into his face. Thankfully, the actor realized his fainted too, and quickly broke character. "There's an emergency exit this way." They had a female's voice, and led them in the direction of the exit. "Thank you so much." Tsurugi said as they held open the door. "No problem. Have a good day!" They waved goodbye to them and closed the door, leaving them in the night.

"I'm driving." Tsurugi said, deadpanned. "Fair." Replied a traumatized Mikako. They could see their car in the distance. "The one thing Yamato was good for in there was getting us out." Mikako mentioned as Tsurugi unlocked the car. Mikako checked inside the car, just incase of something. When Tsurugi got the clear, he set Yamato down and strapped him in very gently. The three then got on the road to go home.

Tsurugi played some random music that wouldn't put the two more on edge than they already were. Even if he would never admit it, he really cared about the two. He also knew that Yamato would probably awake from a nightmare, so he was on full Yamato watch tonight. Tsurugi sighed and turned up the music.

How was he gonna explain why he didn't get sleep to his boss?

Words: 838


I wrote this because I wanted to and i thought it was a good idea
It was.

Notice how my writing quality is depleting-

Bye bye, and drink water!

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