Nightmares Again (Hajime × Shinji)

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Type: Angst -> Fluff
TW's: Spoilers for Void's backstory, chapter 1, chapter 6(or 0 idk), PTSD, manipulation
AU: An imperfect simulation where everyone is alive but has phantom pains and trauma

Also I have no clue how the thing in the first execution works kinda

Let's go!

3rd person POV:

Hajime's eyes darted around the room. Mikado had betrayed him and the others by actually going forth and executing Hajime. Monocrow flew by with a chain that went around the neck. It caught onto Hajime and he felt his body start to lift. He remembered exactly how it hurt his throat, and the way he couldn't breathe. His jacket fell from his back. As it fell, he caught the eye of Shinji in that moment.

He wished he could've apologized. Apologized for being like this, why he did this, knocking him out, lying to him. He regretted everything he had done. Yuri never deserved to die, but Hajime had to for the plan. Mikado lied, and so did he. Tears sprang to his eyes, but he was lifted up. Dark spots hit his eyes, and he blacked out.

Suddenly, he woke up to a boxing ring. His body was trapped in a box, with only his head out. A board made of hard plastic was in front of him. He tried to look around, and noticed a number counter. He knew this was a machine testing how hard you could punch. Chills ran up and down his spine, and he looked forward again. He then saw a camera. His entire body shook, and he looked into it through his shades.

Shinji was going to watch him die.

The bell rang, and the lights turned on. Hajime hated the light. One thing Utsuro failed to fix was his sensitivity to light and epilepsy. Mikado must've tooken advantage of this. A buff Monocrow walked up to him. If it was a normal case, he would've bursted out laughing. Except, this wasn't a normal case. It was the thing he assumed would kill him.

It punched the board, and it hit him in the face. His sunglasses broke, and his eyes met the light again, only this time in a painful way. Too much light. Way too much. Before he could collect himself, the monocrow punched the board again. Again, and again, and again. The monocrow gave it everything it got, and the board was slowly starting to break.

Hajime's head throbbed, and it was getting difficult to see. He felt everything, from the way the plastic tasted, to his skull slowly but surely caving in. The numbers kept changing with that "Beep" over and over again. He looked over at the camera, and gave it as genuine of an apologetic look as possible in his state. He only had one thing he'd never be able to say to them;

"I'm sorry Shinji."

Almost instantly after whispering that, like a movie scene where the support or love interest dies, the board broke. His mind couldn't think. All he could feel was pain. His head bounced around so much, his neck started hurting and tearing. His vision slowly started blacking out. And then-

Hajime jumped up in a cold sweat, gasping for breath. His entire body was shaking as the tears rolled down his face. He looked around, looking for anything to remind him where he was. He looked to his left, and saw a window. Outside was a full moon, shining bright, but blurry due to the tears in his eyes. It was slightly cloudy, giving off a relaxed creepy vibe. Hajime pulled his legs to his chest and tried taking deep breaths. It was too much for him, only being able to breathe in a small amount of air before a silent sob broke from his lips.

In those moments though, his loving boyfriend, Shinji, had woken up. "Hey, Hajime? You okay?" He asked groggily, leaning up slowly. Hajime froze, and looked over. Shinji recognized what had happened once he saw the boxer's face. "Hey, you're okay. You're sitting in our bed, breathing and thinking." He reassured. Hajime leaned into his chest and started sobbing how he needed to. "You can move. Your body isn't trapped, you're right here, in my arms." Shinji reassured, stroking his hair.

After enough sweet words and affection, Hajime calmed down enough to stop shaking. "The same one as last time?" The firefighter asked. Hajime nodded slightly, clinging onto the taller one. Shinji remembered this nightmare. The first time it happened, Hajime screamed at the top off his lungs when he woke up. Shinji did his best to calm his boyfriend down. It wasn't enough, but it helped. They started to go to therapy more often after that. Kokoro said it was PTSD and that he'd get better with time.

"You want me to get you some warm milk?" He asked, looking down at him. The boxer only nodded and slowly got off of him. Shinji stood up and left the room. Hajime only sat there, wrapping himself in the blanket. He kept moving his arms and legs to remind him that he can move and is not in the void theater. His body shook and his face hurt like hell. His phantom pains weren't getting all that better. There was a slight decrease in the pain, but it wasn't enough.

Hajime looked over at the digital clock on the bed table. 4:42 it read. He smiled slightly. When he and Shinji first got together, he couldn't look at a digital clock without his sunglasses. Now, only 2 months in, he could stand in the kitchen with the lights on the dimmist level without his sunglasses. He heard footsteps and looked back at the door. Shinji walked in with a glass of warm milk and handed it to Hajime. He gladly accepted and started drinking it.

Shinji sat down next to him, watching as he drank the milk. "You feeling better?" The firefighter asked. Hajime lowered the milk from his face. "Mhm..." He responded, with a sense of tiredness. Hajime finished the milk and set it down next to the bedstand. He turned to Shinji, a tired smile on his face. He also might've had a milk mustache.

Shinji chuckled. "Why you laughing?" He asked. "There's some milk above your upper lip." The other responded. Hajime wiped off the milk on his face. Shinji then stole a kiss from his lips. Hajime blushed slightly, then leaned onto the taller one. The two laid back onto the bed. "Love you." Said Hajime, clearly tired. "I love you too." The other responded, giving him another kiss, this time on his head. The two then closed their eyes, and drifted off into a uninterrupted sleep.


Yuki was standing in the kitchen, secretly eating some of the candy Hajime would never let him eat. It was his nighttime schedule. Fall asleep, wake up on accident, get candy, go back to sleep. No one even knew he was such a sweet tooth. One of his favorites was those big lollipops that were spiral rainbow-y. The long stick ones were just as good too! Whenever he and Iroha would go to whatever exciting new carnival Satsuki was attending, they would always buy such sweets.

Yuki was having some Skittles, when he heard a door open. He quick ran to his room with all the candy and candy wrappers, and hid them where he normally did. This wasn't an uncommon occasion, for both of them woke up often. He heard what sounded like Shinji's footsteps walking into the kitchen. The fridge door opened, a glass was set down, and set into something else. The microwave was turned on, and Yuki waited about 15 seconds before it was tooken out.

Shinji then left, and another door was closed. Yuki left his room with the candy. He doesn't know why he likes being outside his room to eat his candy, he just does. Yuki then sat down and continued to nom on some Skittles.

Word count: 1325
I wanted to add that bonus because this little headcanon gives me joy

Anyways I liked writing this, and imma answer some questions you might have!

Q: Why did you say that Hajime had epilepsy?
A: I thought that the sunglasses had some sort of meaning, so I decided to headcanon that Utsuro didn't fix Hajime's insane sensitivity to light and epilepsy. The sunglasses were actually prescribed to him. He's been getting better with light though due to his boyfriend :)

Q: Why is Yuki there?
A: The two adopted Yuki

Q: Why did you say Yuki and Iroha go to places together
A: Comfort.

Some Hajisai headcanons will be coming out soon I hope, which will explain some other uncommon questions!

Have a nice time, and get in your POTASSIUM.

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