Wilting Blossoms (Yamato × Tsurugi)

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TW: Mentions of hitting and arguments
Type: Angst -> Fluff + Hurt/Comfort
AU: Non-Despair

Is this a part two to Sakura Trees? Yes actually


No one's POV:

The warm summer breeze was swept away by autumn cold, the night being illuminated only by the full moon in the sky. The garden was slowly falling asleep to save themselves from the harsh cold about to come. The flowers had disappeared into the ground, and the bushes looked sad without the leaves and other accessories to keep it pretty.

The blossoms from the Sakura tree's had fallen, dying from the lack of support from its tree. The tree had to do what it needed to live, and the poor blossom had to suffer for the next generation to end up like it. The blossom spread the seeds so their species would survive, and yet, it was never recognized for its work.

A cop walked into the decaying garden, looking grim. He wasn't dressed for the cold, yet he didn't care at the moment. What he was focused on was what the dead blossom was thinking. He felt discarded and hated by its own so-called "parent" who would shed him away like the blossoms in the winter as nothing more than an object that should be rid of.

He knew what he looked like. He knew that his face was messy and his eyes were puffy. The mark on his face was probably brusied from how hard he got hit. The thought of the wound reminded him of how he got it in the first place. He wondered how long he could hide it for.

So many questions were floating about in his head. Why does he never recognize my actions? Am I worthless? The cop laughed. Who am I kidding? Of course I am! His esteem was dug into the ground, past the hopes of survival. All the cop wanted at this moment was the boy he called his boyfriend. He may not show up, and the cop couldn't take that risk of being alone tonight, not with these suffocating thoughts. If he was alone, who knows what he could do to himself...

A crunch from behind him made him stop dead in his tracks. Did he follow me? The cop whipped around, only to be met with the same boy he needed.

"Ruru!" The boy yelled, almost tackling Tsurugi in his embrace.

"Yamato." The cop tried to sound happy, but with what happened earlier, he just couldn't. To his relief, Yamato didn't notice the slip up in the mask.

"This place isn't doing the best." The inventor added, looking around at the scene.

Oh, how Tsurugi wished he could say everything that happened just ten minutes ago. To have someone listen and try to comfort, to feel loved. It wasn't like he was gonna get love at home or work with him following Tsurugi around. He wanted to lay down and die every second that presence was behind him, watching, inspecting every movement. It was so overwhelming, forcing him down to put on a fake act to meet the man's expectations.

"RURU!" A voice cut him off from his thoughts. Panic made him flinch harder than he should've. Don't hurt me, please. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes, yet defensive instinct forced them in. He felt his breathing go in and out faster than normal. After a second of that, he calmed down and opened his rose colored eyes.

"...Tsurugi?" Yamato softly called out to him, concern flooding his words. The cop realized his action and turned to the inventor reluctantly. Apparently, he wasn't out of the moment just yet.

"I'll explain, just.... just give me a moment." He said before his boyfriend overwhelmed him with questions.

"Let's go on a walk." The soft voice guided him away from thinking too hard about it. Yamato took his hand and led him on the pathway gently. It was a quiet walk, both of them thinking of how to approach the situation in front of them. They stepped on a lot of blossoms and crunchy leaves, both discarded from their tree. Thinking about how similar the blossoms were like Tsurugi made him start to crack.

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