Yamarugi Headcanons <3

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Tw: Some sad things, Mentions of not nice father, and spoilers!
Type: Headcanons
AU: All!

- Tsurugi once called Yamato "Mato" on accident. It was very simple, but it made Yamato more red than Tsurugi's eyes. That's very red

- Yamato calls Tsurugi a bundle of nicknames. Ruru, Tsuru, and Tsu are the most common, but Ruru is Yamato's personal favorite.

- Yamato's love language is basically everything. Tsurugi used to get so embarrassed by every little thing Yamato did for him, but now he just gets embarrassed slightly :)
- Tsurugi's love language meanwhile used to be favors and gift giving, but then the mystical world of physical touch entered his life and he realizes what he's missing out on

- They've been together for only a month, but they are madly in love with each other it's so cute

- Yamato is literally a human puppy. He loves any sort of positive attention, gets scared of negative attention, very hyper but also very sleepy, and very silly.

- For Yamato's birthday, Tsurugi gave him blueprints to a heart necklace that could open up to show a picture. When it was finished and Yamato was asleep, Tsurugi put a picture of Yamato's dad in it. Yamato cried.

- Tsurugi has nightmares of people he couldn't save and people he killed. Yamato comforts him to the best of his abilities.

- Yamato has ADHD.

- Yamato can't handle horror, and Tsurugi can't handle religious horror. No one understands why it's religious horror. It just is.

- Tsurugi constantly feels like he has to be perfect to impress the ones he loves and also to meet his dad's standards, so he'll overwork himself or forget to care for himself to please somebody. Yamato tries to get him to stop, but it's pointless... although there's hope.

- In a world where Yamato lives, he gets really bad nightmares about all of his friend's deaths and convinces himself that it was all his fault. Tsurugi pulls him out of it after a few minutes to a full day. (Depends on how fast Tsurugi wakes up to notice.)

- Yamato is the only person who can make Tsurugi stop being a workaholic for maybe 15 minutes, and it only works every once in a while. He's trying.

- Tsurugi is very protective of Yamato. He's afraid of Yamato becoming a target for criminals to hold hostage, which is also why he hates PDA, except for some certain moments

- Yamato meanwhile, gets VERY  jealous over anybody who makes moves on Tsurugi. He'll become extremely clingy and hold onto Tsurugi if someone's trying to flirt with him. God forbid someone's being creepy towards the cop. Not only is it a cop, but good luck with the silly little guy in the background.
- this is also one of those certain moments mentioned

- Yamato made Tsurugi realize how touch starved he is, and now he constantly craves to just cuddle the inventor. He doesn't mind.

- Tsurugi's dad isn't good. His dad not only sounds like a silly guy (derogatory), he's CONFIRMED in canon he's silly (derogatory)
- They argue a lot and it's a very uncomfortable atmosphere they have :(

- Yamato doesn't usually hate something. Except Tsurugi's dad. He expressed several times that he would jump the other's dad for free. He doesn't care if he'll get sent to jail. He just needs to teach that excuse of a father a lesson.

May update in the future!
I would die for these two without hesitation.
They're just so cute and adorable please I love these two and they're on my mind 24/7
They are my phone background
Remember to please drink water and I'll see you guys around!

also apologies if there's cringe-

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