Wounds (Tsurugi × Teruya)

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Requested by: TogoTodorkroki
AU: Non-Despair for DRA
Tw: Swearing, terrorists
Type: Fluff

Thank you so much for requesting! It means a lot to me :)


3rd person POV:

It was an early morning, 6:02 to be exact. The sun slowly crept up from it's sleep, and two men were awake from theirs. Tsurugi had was about to leave for work, while Teruya was just paperwork out for the Otori-Mart at home. "Alright, I'll be back around six." The bluenette gave his boyfriend a kiss. "Stay safe love!" Teruya responded, lifting his head up to meet his eyes before he left. Tsurugi only nodded and headed towards the door of their apartment. "Call me if you need anything. I love you!" He called out before leaving to go to the Police Department. Teruya smiled and continued to confirm the material orders.

The two had been dating for 5 months now, and things couldn't have been going any better. They loved each other to bits, and when one got injured, the other was right at their side. Rei often teased them about it, and that was something that Teruya didn't like, but he was fine with others doing it, like Haru and Satsuki. They knew the limits. Teruya was also happy he wasn't third wheeling anymore in the Sunshine Trio.

As Teruya signed another paper on stuff about his own rubber ball, he couldn't help but wish his boyfriend a good day at work.

Time skip to 3:12 pm!

Teruya was just relaxing on the couch, looking for an interesting channel, when he heard the door open. He looked over to see the policeman, back from work early. "You're back early- Oh my god what happened?!" He just noticed the red bloodied bandages around his left forearm and the exhausted look on his face. "News." Was the only he said before leaving into the bathroom. Teruya flipped to the news, where a reporter was talking about the most recent terrorist attack. They were outside of a half falling apart building, rubble and sharp objects everywhere.

"-some hostages and hid them in this exact building! The police- along with the Fire Department -ran in to save the hostages and remove any hazards from their way. The police and SWAT team asked for their demands. They had some insanely hard ones to fulfill. They told the terrorists if there were other demands to fill, and the bombers opened fire. The terrorists fought back with some guns they hoarded."

The reporter and cameraman walked into the building. There was blood scattered slightly around and rubble everywhere. "The casualties were fifteen terrorists, and no one else thanks to some quick thinking. A signal was made to eliminate the prisoners for the demands not being met and the fight. Some officers picked up on this and told it to the others, when the Ultimate Police Officer, Tsurugi Kinjo took action. He attempted to sneak through the crossfire and take out the terrorist guarding the hostages. Though he did save the people taken captive, he got noticed and shot in the forearm four times. Even though he got injured badly, he kept moving though the fight, and ultimately saved everyone from the terrorists!"

Teruya listened a little more, but was impressed with his boyfriend's bravery like those times before. He was always proud of Tsurugi for putting his life on the line for whatever and whoever, no matter what they think is their fault. It also impressed him that he never gave up on a plan he had. Teruya knew that the gunshots probably hurt like hell, but he had the hope to continue going on. Then, he heard Tsurugi hissing from the bathroom out of pain. He quickly got up and sped-walked towards the bathroom where Tsurugi headed.

The cop was standing there, putting hydrogen peroxide on the wounds. His face was contorted with pain from the stinging. The merchant walked towards him and looked at the damage. Tsurugi instinctively whipped around when he heard his footsteps. He had often done that due to the Police Department and what he's gone through. The bullet holes were about the size of the palm tree's thumb, maybe a little smaller. The ends where internal skin met the air was blackish purple, like it was infected. There were exit wounds on the other sides, off center from their entrances. Tsurugi looked away with a look of shame on his face.

"Damn, you got hit good." He admitted. The cop nodded in agreement. "Come on, let's get you patched up. Hand me the bandages." Teruya reached out his hand. Still looking at his arm. He was also distracted by some other scars he had, speaking one that dragged from his wrist to his elbow. The gauze was placed in his hands, and he got to work. The blood stopped flowing that much too, so it was way easier and lighter for Tsurugi.

Teruya had one question for all of this. "Why didn't you go to the hospital for these?" He asked, looking up at his boyfriend. He only looked down at his feet with the same shameful expression on his face. "I didn't want you to worry. There were medics on the site, so I got fixed up there." Tsurugi admitted. Teruya smiled. "Better than nothing, right?" He asked, lifting the bluenette's face with his hand. He only smiled and nodded. "Good!" The palm tree exclaimed as he continued to redo the gauze.

Soon enough, his arm was now- what Teruya like to call it -mummified. "Thank you dear." Tsurugi smiled at the merchant. "No problem!" He grinned right back at him. Tsurugi went into their room to change clothes, and Teruya grabbed some more peroxide and band-aids. He only assumed his legs and abdomen was slightly scratched up, due to the sharp objects. Later, the bluenette opened the bedroom door, and Teruya walked straight in. "Okay, I need to see if your legs or stomach are hurt." The palm tree saw Tsurugi give a look that seemed like a "say no more" type look, and he took off his pants and shirt.

There weren't that many scratches, but there were still a few. Teruya decided to be bold and do the thing he saw in a movie one time where they kissed the marks. That was all he remembered from the movie anyways. It worked well in embarrassing Tsurugi. "Teruya..." He sighed, looking away. His entire face was as red as his own eyes. The merchant finished kissing him before putting so hydrogen peroxide onto a cloth. "Okay, ready? It's gonna sting." Teruya looked up at Tsurugi, still half recovering from being so flustered. "Yeah, I'm ready." The bluenette stayed still as Teruya dabbed the cloth onto the scratches. He kept hissing every once in a while, but Teruya tried paying no mind to it.

Once Teruya finished, he got out some baid-aids and stuck them onto the scratches. "And done!" The palm tree stood up with a jump, proud of himself for handling the situation so well. "Thank you Teruya." He said, putting his clothes back on. "You're very welcome." Teruya responded with a smile. He turned to leave before arms were wrapped around his waist. Tsurugi's head laid on the other's shoulder. "I love you." He said, turning his head to kiss Teruya's cheek. "What are you about to-" The poor palm tree never got to finish his sentence before he was pulled down onto the bed.

Tsurugi laid Teruya and himself down in a cuddling position. The bluenette's arm was still around the other's waist, and his head was on his chest. His bad arm was laying away from the two. Teruya was under the cop, trapped for who knows how long. He didn't mind though. His boyfriend needed the rest today. He wrapped his arms around his back and smiled. The bluenette had already fallen asleep. "I love you, Tsurugi." Teruya said before closing his eyes. He knew the other wouldn't respond or probably hear, but it was always good to tell him.

The two then drifted into sleep again, with a smile on their faces.

Word count: 1368

I'm sorry if it didn't meet your expectations Togo, but I still hope you liked it!

And yes, I called Teruya what he is; a palm tree.

Also just a recommendation, don't ever look up bullet wounds. Just don't.

And jokes on my parents, I looked up other words for terrorists and bandages, so I'm still learning >:)

Anyways, have a good day or whatever time it is, and get in your POTASSIUM

(I'll be doing that exit every time so get used to the potsssium at the end-)

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