Benadryl (Yamato × Tsurugi)

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AU: Non-Despair
Type: Sickfic, no hurt/comfort

It's two in the morning, I can't sleep due to my nose hating me and my throat stabbing me, so have this ig


Tsurugi couldn't sleep.

Maybe that was an understatement. He couldn't get comfortable, could barely breathe through his nose, his throat was killing him, and he was suffering. He was tired too and had quite the day ahead of him. It was basically the equivalent of him pulling one of his all-nighters, except involuntary.

He stared at the ceiling fan and watched it spin around and around. His thoughts were all on the misery he was in, but he would ask Yamato for help. He wouldn't want to wake the precious inventor laying on him, so he just suffered in silence. It wasn't like something like this had happened before.

Suddenly, the man on his chest started to stir. Great. Tsurugi thought as the inventor lifted his head up to meet the other's eyes.

"You look terrible." He whispered, leaning up fully and getting a good look at him. Tsurugi felt super anxious and looked away from the other. The latter stood up.

"Wait here. I'm gonna get you some medicine and check your temperature." He stated as he left the room. The cop waited patiently for the man to return. He hated the feeling of needing to be cared for. He could handle himself just fine without help, he was sure. It made him feel like some sort of pathetic baby whenever he was cared for.

He heard footsteps reapproach from the kitchen. Yamato entered, carrying some medicine and water.

"Here's some meds that could help." He handed the cop the medicine. Tsurugi took a breath and swallowed all of it at once, with the help of some water. He could feel the inventor cringe from where he was.

"How do you just.... whatever, you should feel better soon." He laid down and wrapped Tsurugi in his arms. "How long have you been up for?"

"Uhm... all night." The cop croaked, feeling all of his body hurt just a little more with that. The inventor only pulled him closer.

"Good thing I gave you benadryl as well."
"You did what now?"

Exaushtion suddenly hit Tsurugi square in the face. He was out like a light in a second.

Words: 467

sorry about how short this one is! i am currently sick and this is about two days after i initially started writing this.
this was just me projecting onto Tsurugi (for the sick part), so it's not much of anything

anyways, my head hurts, my face is in pain, i can't breathe through my nose, and i'm currently in the doctor's office for antibiotics, so i'll be checking out now!
catch you later! :)

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