Sick Day (Yamato × Tsurugi)

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AU: Non-Despair
Type: Fluff :)
Tw:  Passing out
I like stories with passionate small baby is sick and done with everyone's shit takes care of them


Yamato's POV:

I woke up at 6:42 am for whatever reason. I don't know why I remember the time I wake up at, I just do. Anyways, something felt way different today. My body felt stiff, and my head throbbed. Probably slept wrong or something. I shrugged it off, not thinking much of it. I stood up and almost fell over immediately. That wasn't normal, but I assumed it was just something to do with waking up after drink an energy drink you stole from Hajime.

Don't ask how I was able to steal it.

Anyways, I headed down the hall, hoping to find the love of my life, only true love ever, Tsurugi, or what I have the special privilege to call him: Ruru. I found him making some coffee in the kitchen. He looked over at me and smiled. "Good morning, Yamato." He said. "Morning Ruru!" I replied, walking towards him eagerly. I know there's a big contrast between the good mornings, but who cares. Then, my entire body stopped working. Black dots dashed around my vision, and the world spun. I heard Tsurugi yell before I blacked out.

Tsurugi's POV:

I was making myself some coffee before I started my morning. Yamato and my boss told me that I should and could take the day off, and I decided to take there word. I don't remember the last time I've had a day off being honest. Yamato had walked in and gave me a greeting. He started walking towards me when his eyes glossed over. I stared at him, confused. His eyes rolled back in his head and closed before he started falling.

"Yamato!" I ran over and caught him before he hit the floor. "Woah, up you go." I muttered to myself and him partially as I picked him up, bridal style. His entire body was burning up. I walked him over to our room and set him on the bed. Okay, you've dealt with sick people before, but not like this. Panic slowly started to rise. I knew he had a fever at least and lightheaded.

I've dealt with some coworkers who've gotten sick like this, and I can tell the signs now. Someone did get close to passing out at work, but they didn't actually lose consciousness like Yamato. I decided to just add the right amount of sugar to the coffee I was making to give to him. It would work on keeping him conscious, that's for sure. I walked back over and added 4 sugar cubes to the batch. He likes the taste of pure sugar too, so this was normal for him.

Once the coffee finished, I walked it back to set next to Yamato. I opened the door to see him awake, looking like someone asked him what he was dreaming about at 3 in the morning. I said nothing and just gave him the coffee. "Oooo! Thank you!" He croaked, taking a sip. He smiled wide, and I only sighed. Of course. The one day I stay home, he gets sick. "What's wrong?" He ask, tilting his head a bit. "You're sick." I replied, and I knew what was going to happen. "Do I have to take medicine?!" He panicked. Someone literally has to hold him down so he takes the medicine. I left the room and took the long trek to the medicine cabinet. Today was going to be a long or short day, depending on how much the world hated me today.

I grabbed the thermometer and some bottles of medicine, some pills, some liquid. Once I got back, I sat down next to him. "Okay, let me see your temperature." I got on one side of him before he realized I was doing it myself. "Hey! I can do it myself!" He turned to me and reached out for it. "Do you remember what happened last time?" I said, pulling it away. That seemed to work, because he stopped with an: "Oh." I sighed. Last time when I let him get the thermometer, he turned it into a rocket. Don't ask me how. We could be on an island with only sand and he'd make a boat. How? We never ask questions or else he'll take out an 100 slide slideshow explaining everything, and he'll talk really fast.

Yamato stopped struggling and just let me take his temperature. The first one came back at 102.3 farenheit, and the second at 103.1 farenheit. "That's definitely a fever." I mumbled. I looked at the bottles I took out, and started sorting and eliminating them. "Do you HAVE to organize th-" He started coughing quite a bit trying to speak. "Yes, I do. Please don't die." I replied, putting the last bottle where it needed to go. Looking at all of the options, I still needed to figure out if it would be the liquid or pills. "So, we got these options. I know what you want, but what's gonna work?" I looked back at Yamato, who was laying down. He was staring at the ceiling, like something was bothering him. "You alright?" I asked. "I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it." His reply was instant, and I knew what he was talking about.

"Just tell me, and we can get it over with. If you don't struggle, it'll be over sooner." I grabbed most of the bottles, and just looked at them. If only my boyfriend could handle medicine. He handles big pieces of metal that could end his life, and this is what he's afraid of. Yamato only slowly pointed to one of the bottles. Taking it, I opened the cap and poured it into the medicine capsule. "Here." I handed it to him. He only stared at it, conflicting emotions on his face. "Do I need to force feed it to you-" "No." He took it and practically swallowed it whole. Me and him took a second to process what happened.

Yamato just shrugged and took a sip of the coffee. I went next to him and turned on the TV. Not much was on, just some reality shows. Yamato seemed to see something he liked, since he leaned right up with excitement. "I like that one!" He smiled. I looked at the title.

It was fucking Scooby-Doo.

I looked over at him in reasonable disbelief. He only smiled and coughed once. I sighed and pressed the remote's button to turn it on. He yelled "Yay!" Before leaning into me. I knew I would've felt bad kicking him off me, so I just accepted it. If I was gonna get sick, I'd get sick. He looked content using me as a pillow. His expression was that of when he was thinking about something he didn't like. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. He sighed and looked up at me. "Sorry I got sick on your free day." Yamato said, looking guilty.

I only shook my head and pet his hair. It was softer then a lot of our blankets. "You know that I'd forgive you. Besides, I can just take tomorrow off too. If your still sick I'm not letting my eyes off you." I replied, genuinely meaning everything. He leaned into my hand and chest, relaxing more. "Also, you know if I left you alone, you'd hurt yourself with your inventions." I added. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah ye- OH MY GOD I KNEW IT WAS HIM!" He quickly leaned up, head-butting me. "Ow- You hit me in the face!" I rubbed near the base of my chin. He quickly turned around and hugged me. "IM SO SORRY RURUUU!!" He yelled. I obviously forgave him, and just leaned back and continued watching.

Maybe today wasn't as bad of a day as I thought it would be.

Word count: 1340


Anyways children come get your Yamarugi, hot out of the oven!

Also yesterday I had a softball tournament and we got runner up and it was fun :)

Get in your POTASSIUM

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