Hajisai Headcanons! (+ Yuki!)

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TW: Spoilers for SDRA2, PTSD, hospitalization, arguing parents, depression, dr*g ab*se, alc*hol. P*nic attacks, abandonment issues

Also some credit goes to Makaila10156 for giving me some of these ideas on a conversation we had about this family.

Let's go!

- The number one thing that you will likely see with the two are cuddles. God DAMN is it often

- They adopted Yuki. I'm not wrong and I refuse to be.

- They all go on morning or night jogs because it's amazing

- Nightmares are often seen in the Hajisai family
- this sounds like a documentary wtf-

- Shinji listens to heavy metal. Hajime doesn't question it anymore

- Hajime is a genderfluid bicon. I haven't seen this anywhere so it's my job to spread this around

- Shinji gets embarrassed when Hajime feels more feminine because he can't stay calm around woman.

- Hajime and Shinji get phantom pains often.

- One thing that stayed with Hajime after Utsuro cured his illness was his sensitivity to lights and epilepsy. The sunglasses were prescribed to him and work really well.
- now I come back to this and realize that this is actually canon

- Shinji helps Hajime slowly get better with light and Yuki does his best

- There isn't anything stronger then two big bros protecting a little bro. This isn't really a headcanon, it just describes them

- No matter if Shinji got 26 hours of sleep and Hajime got 1 for the entire week, he's still waking up before Shinji.

- Whenever it snows while they sleep, Hajime will wake up, look outside, and then realize after looking at Shinji. He closes the blinds and makes hot chocolate :)

- I imagine that Hajime's parents always fought right in front of him when he was in the hospital, sometimes yelling about or at him.

- Shinji has seasonal depression and takes meds for it

- Yuki is a sweet tooth but the health mom says no
- So our baby goes out at random times in the night to eat his secret candy stash >:)

- Shinji and Hajime are very protective of each other, mainly Hajime
- "Boxing ring. NOW." "Haji nO-"

- Yuki could do the bare minimum and the other two would cheer him on

- The two big bros are pretty romantic, but not in the TeruTeru way you muppet.

- They go on dates and hold hands and tell each other how much they love each other and all that mushy stuff. none of the no no stuff though

- Shinji and Yuki go to every fight that Hajime has.

- Hajime hates talking about childhood memories.

- Shinji calms down Hajime whenever his past is brought up.

- Shinji will often fall asleep on Hajime's shoulder. He doesn't care where he's at. Mall? Sleep. Interview? Sleep. Trying to survive a killing game? SLEEP.

- Hajime holds Shinji's hand just like Shinji falling asleep on his shoulder. Doesn't care where they are

- Somehow, don't ask me how, but Yuki can pull off the ancient kid thing where you act asleep so your parents carried you inside.

- Usually, the three will try some wrestling matches for fun, which are more of "Yuki and Shinji try to beat Hajime together but fail miserably" even when Hajime tries going easy.

- Yuki broke his nose while wrestling with Hajime once. Yuki cried, Hajime apologized at least 11037 times, and Shinji just called Kanata over.

- Yuki is a twig. He's the first to go in the wrestling matches.

- The one time Yuki won was when he got them from the air (the couch) and got Hajime in a chokehold (it was safe Hajimom could breathe don't worry)

- Hajime got his illness from his parents being drug abusers and alcoholics. The toxins in the air messed with his body and eyes.

- Setsuka is the cool lesbian aunt. She's everyone's cool lesbian aunt

- Yuki pronouns are he/him and Utsuro's are they/them. They just give off enby vibes.

- Yuki doesn't like being touched by people he doesn't know that well. He's fine if Shinji or Hajime does it, but if someone else he didn't know touched him, he wouldn't like it.

- Shinji bites his fingernails which causes him to bite his skin which then causes his fingers to bleed. He's got some scars on his fingertips from that.

And that's about it! I'll update it if I get any more ideas!

Also pls request I'm running out of ideas it would mean the world to me

Other then that, this is the end!
get in you POTASSIUM

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