When Will I Get A Son!

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When Will I Get A Son?

Lord Andrew Charles Howard is going on 34 years old in December of 2279 and he is wondering if he is ever going to get a son after having two daughters, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane who is four years old and her little sister, Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene who will be two years old in October of 2279.

Lord Andrew Charles insists he needs a son and asks Lady Karissa " When will I have a son?"

Lady Karissa looks up and answers ' Well, Lord Preppy. Didn't you take biology in the high price parochial school that you attended?"

"I don't remember what I took it was back in 2263 when I started to attend Parochial school." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"Sounded like you attended Radcliffe University, a school that didn't teach women much at all but how to become socialites." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Radcliffe didn't think that the academics should be passed over for ettique, the social graces, and how to kiss a man's damn ass." Lady Karissa retorts.

"They didn't think about teaching their women about history, biology, art, literature, politics, math, or any real subjects." Lady Karissa states.

"I took a lot of classes, but I wasn't really interested in them but sports and politics." Lord Andrew Charles answers.

"So, when they passed out brains. You thought they said brains and you missed yours." Lady Karissa says with a laugh " May if you run fast enough you catch them."

"You are a real comedian, Lady Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I am glad that I amuse you, Andrew Charles Howard.' Lady Karissa tells him.

"Now back to your damn question. Men determine the sex of their unborn child as they carry two sperms the X and Y and from what I understand from biology it takes a X and Y to have a baby boy and two X's to have a baby girl." Lady Karissa states.

"I would consider that you try a new position in what you call your love-making if you want a son." Lady Karissa tells him.

"What is wrong with the stationary position?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"Nothing, but it is boring and getting old like you will one day." Lady Karissa says with a laugh.

"I don't like new sexual positions." Lord Andrew Charles retorts.

"Andrew Charles. You don't like it because you are set in your ways." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Do you know in 'Kama Sutra' there are over 100 different ways to make love?" Lady Karissa tells him.

"I have no understanding of this Kama Sutra?" Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"You have no understanding in anything, Andrew Charles that is because you are thick skulled and very stupid." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Aristocrats marry for other reasons than love." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I married for love and love alone. I am not your ordinary aristocrat." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"You are ordinary alright. Ordinarily stupid." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Are we going to exchange insults with each other?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I am not exchanging insults with you, Lord Andrew Charles. I am telling you the truth and you can't seem to digest it." Lady Karissa tells him.

"What you call your love-making is stale and unexciting." Lady Karissa tells him.

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