Preference #40 Song preference: 'Don't let me go.'

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All of a sudden these lights are blinding me,

I'd never noticed how bright they would be.

You and Luke have been dating for years, since back in school days. You always supported the boys, and watched every video they made. It didn't really hit you that they were as big as they actually were until Luke hit two million followers, and tour plans emerged. They practically blew up over night- or so it felt. Luke would call you every night, giving you the details of his day, and every time he talked to you he had to express how surreal the idea of being famous enough to sell out a place felt.


I saw in the corner there is a photograph,

No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you.

Ever since you told Beau you wanted to go on a break, because you two didn't see each other enough, he'd been practically going crazy. Every time he saw his phone light up, he wished it was a text from you. Every time someone knocked on his hotel door, he wished it were you, but too often it was a half naked Daniel. He just simply couldn't get you out of his mind. Every time he returned back home for any sort of trip, he couldn't even bring himself to get rid of things that reminded you of him, even the pictures.


Seems like these days I watch you from afar,

Just trying to make you understand.

You and Jai used to be extremely close, but to Jai it was always something more than just a friendship. You never knew this, and you two ended up drifting apart as his schedule got more and more crowded. He tried to reach out and talk to you every once in a while, but by that time you'd moved on. To this day he regrets never telling you how he felt, and seeing you post things about your current relationship kills him.


Don't let me go,

Cause I'm tired of feeling alone.

Every past relationship Daniel had been in ended in heartbreak. Though he'd never admit that, because he likes to come off as a carefree person. Seems his lack of being avaliable frequently ended in girl's cheating on him, but ultimately how busy he was wasn't determind by himself. He had to be there for his friends. He was really hoping you were different.


It lies there alone in it's bed of broken glass,

This bed was never made for two.

You were both equally as hot-headed. It was completely undeniable that you two loved each other, but if you weren't arguing about one thing it was another. James wasn't the fondest of relationships, but you were an exception. He couldn't end the relationship if he tried.

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