Preference #7 You're scared of a bug.

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Jai-   You were up late, making a snack with Jai, because he wouldn't quit whining about how hungry he was. As soon as you reached into the pantry you felt something on your thigh. Jai was standing right beside you, so you figured it was just him, "Jai.. quit.", "Quit what?" he responded right after. As soon as he replied, you screeched, looking down at your leg to see a spider. "SHIT, FUCK, JAI! GET ITTTT!" you squealed, trying to brush it off of your leg, which caused it to fall and land on your foot. You were now hopping around on one foot, holding the other up to show him, "GET IT!" you repeated, as he was dying with laughter, he pushed the spider off of your foot, on to the ground, and squished it instantly. "It was the size of a penny, why are you screaming?" He laughed, you soon hit his chest playfully, "Hush. It was huge."

Daniel-  "DANIEL!" You screamed from the bathroom, you were putting on your make-up when a centipede longer than your index fingers crawled onto the counter. He was quickly at the door way, with only one leg in his pants, "What?! I was getting dressed!" He yelled back. "Danielllll, there's a bug." you whined, pointing at the counter. He sighed softly, slipping his other leg into his jeans before walking over to the counter. "C'monnn, it's just a centipede, babe." He groaned, grabbing some toilet paper to wrap it up in, before flushing it. "I know. It was big, though." , you said quietly. "Well it's gone." he reminded,  kissing your forehead.

Luke-  You, and Luke were attempting to paint the bedroom, when a roach appeared on one of the paint pans, "Luke. Oh my god. Lukeee!" You tried to get his attention calmly, considering he was on a ladder. "Huh?", he said, dipping the brush into the paint bucket hanging from the side of the ladder. "There's a roach, and it's big, and I-", he interrupted you with a laugh, "Kill it.", he told you, turning around a bit to look at you. "Pleeeease come get it." , you whined, pouting childishly. He sighed, slowly stepping down from the ladder, and slipped off his shoe, "The things I do for you." he muttered quietly, soon killing it. "There you little cry baby." He smiled, "Thank you!" you smiled back.

Beau-    "BEAU!" you yelled from the kitchen, letting the spoon that was once in your hand drop to the floor. "What is it?", he called from the stairs. "BUG. GET IT, KILL IT, BEAU.", you panicked, hopping up onto the counter. "What kind?" he laughed, slipping his phone into his pocket as he stepped into the kitchen, "it'S A FUCKING SCORPION, DO YOU NOT SEE IT?", he stood there for a moment while taking of his shoe, before quickly making his way to the edge of the counter, killing it with one squish, "There.." he mumbled, slowly scooping you up from the counter to place you on your feet.

James- You were laying in bed half asleep when you saw something dark crawling on the blanket, "Jaaaames!" you squealed, shaking his arm slightly, you knew this was a bad idea because he was just as scared of spiders as you were- but you were certain that's what it was. "Hmm?", he mumbled, eyes still closed as he shifted over on his side, making the spider crawl over to your hip. You pulled the blanket off, causing James' eyes to open quickly, "What the hell? It's freezing, why would yo-" you quickly interruped him, "There was a fucking spider, it's 3 a.m, and I don't feel like getting bit. Now if you want to deal with that, you can go ahead, but I suggest you do it now." You said quickly. His eyes widened the minute you said spider, and he tugged you to him, bundling up for warmth, "Nope.." he mumbled, closing his eyes.

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