Preference #50 You dislike his current girlfriend.

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Beau- You sat back on the couch, next to your best friend once you had popped the movie into the dvd player. You were happy at the moment for several reasons, not only were you finally able to hang out with your best friend properly, but his girlfriend wasn't there to ruin your bonding time. By the time the two of you were halfway through the movie, you managed to bicker, throw pop corn at each other and eat the brownies his mom had baked the previous night. Before you had a chance to smash a bit of brownie onto Beau's face, the doorbell echoed throughout the house. "I'll get it," You chimed as you stood up and made your way to Beau's front door. Even though it was Beau's house, you always felt welcomed and comfortable there because not only did Beau treat you like family, so did his siblings. When you opened the door the small smile that you sported dropped instantly. Before you stood the person you hate the most, Beau's girlfriend. "What are you doing here?" You asked quietly as she rolled her eyes and pushed past you and into the house. "Visiting my boyfriend, obviously." She said as she made her way to Beau in the living room. You stood back and calmly shut the door, despite the anger boiling up. Beau had promised you a whole day of just the two of you and now she interrupted. 'Babe what are you doing here?" Beau asked as his girlfriend gave him a kiss to the cheek. "I just wanted to be with you," She pouted as she sat on his lap. "I told you I was spending the day with (Y/N)." He told her. "So? Who cares..," She responded. Beau raised his eyebrows "Hey, I care about her," Beau said, defending you. "Beau you have to choose, because this isn't going to work not if you can't give me attention when I need it," She spat, standing up angrily. Beau stood up and buried his hands in his sweatpant pockets. "You know where the front door is?" Beau questioned trying not to smirk. Beau's now ex-girlfriend gasped and stomped dramatically as she went to go say something, but instead stormed out his house. You slowly made your way out from the kitchen and scratched the back of your neck "I'm sorry..." You said feeling bad. "Don't be, (Y/N) I love you, you know me better than that.." Beau said.

James- "(Y/N), that's not very nice at all," James said to you. You stared at your best friend in surprise. "I know it's not, but that's what she told me," You explained. You had received a DM a few days ago from James' girl friend, you didn't think anything of it until you read it. The DM was insulting, rude, and really ended up just hurting your feelings. You never really liked her, but it wasn't something you voiced out, because you respected James too much. "No, it's not nice that your making this stuff up." You felt shocked that James had just said that. You never thought James would accuse you of lying, because you were always honest with him- but here he was telling you hurtful accusations. You swallowed the lump in your throat and sighed heavily "James, I'm not making it up. Why would I do that?" You asked as you stood up ready to leave. It wasn't fair, you had contemplated for nearly three days even telling James about the DMs in the first place, because you didn't want to ruin your relationship, and you didn't want to start problems. You finally decided to because you deserved to be treated equally and not like a second priority, much how is girlfriend made you feel. Before you walked away however you pulled up your twitter account on your phone and went to your DMs to pull up the message. You settled the phone in front of him "Perhaps you might think I photoshopped it too?" You angrily told him. James looked up from the phone with sad eyes and frowned "(Y/N), I'm sorry for calling you a liar, it's just..I, I didn't want to believe that she'd do that. I'm really sorry.." He said, grabbing your hand into his. You looked away and shrugged "Don't worry about her anymore, I can't be with someone who is that rude, especially to someone who means the world to me," James said kissing your knuckles softly.

Luke- It was sort of strange that Luke invited you to go shopping with him and his girlfriend. It wasn't something you normally would agree to, since you weren't exactly best friends with his girlfriend. You agreed to only because it had been literally a whole month of not seeing him and it was killing you. So, as you walked beside them, you couldn't help but feel like a third wheel as she giggled and cooed at Luke every other second, just to spite you. The thing with Luke's girlfriend was that she knew how to act, and she was pretty good at it. She knew that you had a love for Luke and she did everything in her power to do anything that would upset you. The three of you entered a small boutique and you immediately separated from them and browsed by yourself. A pair of nice high waisted shorts caught your eye, quickly you made your way to the fitting rooms and tried them on, they fit absolutely perfect and you knew you had to get them. As you walked out the fitting room to get a better view from the big mirror outside, Luke's girlfriend did as well. There stood Luke smiling from ear to ear watching the both of you. You blushed slightly, looking over at her and frowned. She was trying on the same shorts, and she noticed as well. "Wow, look how tight they are around your thighs, (Y/N)," She commented while smiling and going back into the fitting room. You frowned as you stared at your thighs through the mirror. You never thought your thighs were extremely big, they were just fit- at least you use to think they were. " I think you look beautiful no matter what (Y/N), just remember that," Luke said quietly. "As a matter of fact, let's go buy these shorts, then go get coffee?" Luke asked you. "But what about-" "Forget about her," He said smiling widely.

Daniel- "Don't speak to me anymore, I don't want anything to do with you." You repeated the words over and over in your head as tears streamed down your face. The same words your best friend texted you moments ago. You didn't understand what you did for him to just not want anything to do with you. You have been friends with Daniel since you first moved five years ago. You wiped your tears away hastily as you sniffled, the words and the possible reasons as to why he would want that stayed at the front of your mind constantly through out the day. At some point you were even growing angry with him. Finally you mustered some courage and texted him back, "Fuck you.." You knew it was childish, but if he wanted to not speak to you for no reason, then you had a reason to hate him. In about an hour later there was a frantic knock on your front door, you quickly answered it and were surprised to see Daniel. "I thought you never wanted to see me," You spat angrily at him. Daniel shook his head "It wasn't me, I never texted you that- my girlfriend texted you that, she did it so we wouldn't be friends anymore...(Y/N), you were right about her," Daniel confessed as he walked closer to you. You felt relief wash over you as soon as those words left his lips. "I would never ever want you to leave from my life or even stop talking to me, I would go mad if you did," Daniel said quietly. "I should have known better when you told me she was no good," Daniel whispered as he brought you into a hug.

Jai- "Can you just stop being jealous of her, (Y/N)," Jai shouted angrily as he stared at you. You immediately stood up and placed your hands on your hips. "Go fuck yourself, I'm just trying to look after you," You told him. "Well I don't need you too, if she's cheating on me I would know, I don't need you feeding me lies- I'm a grown man." Jai said. Your heart almost felt shattered as you hurriedly walked out the room, you were tired of fighting with him. He never wanted to believe a word you said when it came to his girlfriend, it wasn't that you were jealous, but you weren't going to sit back and let some stupid girl walk all over your best friend. You held back your tears from falling, you were tired of crying over Jai. "(Y/N), come back I didn't mean to scream at you," He said walking up behind you. "But I guess you did mean to call me a liar!," You retaliated in anger. Jai became quiet "Jai.. I don't understand why you would think I would lie to you, I don't want to ruin your happiness, but I don't want to watch you get hurt either. I saw her! I saw her wrap her arms around his shoulders, I saw them kiss.." You told him trying your hardest to get through to him. Jai sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. 'I've always had a suspicion that she was going off behind my back, but I didn't want to believe it because well...I'm me, you know?" He sat down carefully and shook his head. "I'm sorry for calling you a liar, (Y/N)- It's situations and shit like this that makes me think that maybe and I are better together then me and any other girl." He admitted.

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