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Short authors note before the story:
In these first couple of chapters, Technoblade will be mentioned. I later started writing without him, after the news of his death reached us. I will somewhen take the time to rewrite the beginning of this, but not now. Hope you understand that.

Xisuma PoV:
Xisuma was looking for his map. He finally had decided to fly over to Grians mega base and do something about the strange rift, since multiple hermits had asked him to do so, because the area had become nearly unable to be entered by anyone without getting a headache or the blocks beneath one disappearing. The area of danger had also been growing steadily. Grian himself hadn't been seen anywhere except for there as well, although he seemed to be doing completely fine.
Eventually, the admin found his map and marked his way to the rocks. As he left, he hesitated while standing in the door frame. He knew that the rift's power would hurt him more then the others, since it was connected to the code in some way, just like Xisuma. He shook his head slightly, jumped and flew off. On the way there, he ignored the same thoughts that were going through his mind. He was the admin of this world. He was trusted to take care of it.

As he was flying, he spotted Zedaph on the ground, waving towards him as a sign to come down. He immediately started circling down, glad to waste some more time. He landed a perfectly next to the blonde, smiled and greeted him: "Hey Zed, what's up? You doing alright?" Zedaph nodded, and said: "I'm doing great! Listen, you answered me through the communicators and said you were up for a gamble at the hall of all, would you like to go right now? I know I said tomorrow, but I actually finished getting a mooshroom earlier then I thought, so yeah, if you have time, I'd be ready!" Xisuma thought about it for a second, the idea of postponing the visit of the rift seeming very delightful, but after a split second he sighed and shook his head. Duties were duties, and only because he didn't fancy doing this one he knew he had to eventually.

"I'm afraid I can't right now, I've decided to finally go and do something about that rift or whatever it is. I know you all have been asking me to do so for way too long, I can't postpone this for any longer", the admin answered. A flash of worry crossed Zedaph's face, and as he looked into Xisuma's eyes he faltered: "Are you sure about that? You know... You didn't really feel well last time you went there, and it's gotten a lot worse! What if it actually hurts you?" "I know exactly what happened last time, and the fact that I have been purposefully ignoring this has just made it worse. This is my fault in some way, as I should've looked closer into this once it wasn't as dangerous as now, and if someone has to carry the consequences of this now, it's me." "No! What? I don't see how this is your fault in any way? You can't go there alone, what if it- if it-", Zedaph exclaimed, his voice trailing off as he didn't want to say his fears.

Xisuma looked at the other hermit blankly, as he felt a ping of fear strike his body, but he shook it off and stated: "I have to do something, and if I wait any longer, it will most likely just get worse. Maybe I won't even be able to enter the danger zone without instant death then. I mean, I don't even know if I can now, but I reassure you that I will do my best to fix it without dying." Zedaph crossed his arms in front of his chest and answered: "Right. But I will come with you, just to make sure you don't do anything stupid like- I don't know, sacrificing yourself for the rest of us or something." Zed's sarcastic-determined face turned serious: "Honestly though, I think it's better if I come with you. I'm not as affected by that thing as you are, and I might be able to help you in some way. And if something goes wrong, you maybe won't be able to leave by yourself for various reasons, so I could help you with that. No offense, but I doubt Grian would help you in any way. He seems kind of... possessed by the rift? I'm not sure, but it has definitely changed him." "It's too dangerous for you. This is my duty Zed, you don't have to get involved into this", Xisuma argued.

~A rift between worlds~ (hermitcraft x dsmp)Where stories live. Discover now