Chapter 9.2

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Phil PoV:
He was sitting besides Zedaph, peeking over into the book from the altar he was holding. For him, it was just a random assortment of different signs, but the blonde hermit seemed to somehow be able to decipher the words. He had spread out some sheets of paper, where he noted down the different signs and what they might mean. So far, he had discovered that the book wasn't simply written in ender, but also had mixed in signs of another language. He assumed if was the enchanting table language, but he wasn't sure. That made the whole process of finding out what was written in the book way harder, and he had only managed to translate about three words: is, be and to.

They've been there for about half an hour so far, and Phil spent most of his time listening to Tango's and Dream's conversation, investigating the hall or trying to help Zed. While his gaze was wandering through the hall, he suddenly noticed a small movement at the top of the hall. Surprised, he looked up and saw a small cavern-like hole. He didn't see anyone now, but he could've sworn that someone or something had moved up there. He stared into the darkness for a while, until he decided that he needed to know what was up there.

He spread his wings and started flying upwards, carefully looking into the darkness. He didn't see a thing. "Phil? What are you doing?", Dream called out from beneath. Phil slowly answered: "I could've sworn that... I think someone is watching us." He unsheathed his sword and warily landed in the cavern. He took out a torch with his left hand and placed it down to see- Nothing. Just a simple, small cavern with no possible route for someone to get out. What? I am so sure that someone moved here. Am I going crazy?

After inspecting every single corner of the cave, he gave up and flew down again. Tango looked at him and he shook his head slowly. "I'm either starting to hallucinate or I'm going insane", he jokingly stated. Dream turned to him and mockingly replied: "No, you're just getting old, Phil. Happens to the best of us." Phil gave him an annoyed look and decided to ignore the mockery. "No but seriously, I think we are being watched. I swear I saw someone move up there", he pointed to the cavern, "although I don't know how they got out of there." Dream looked at him and responded: "Well, if it was an admin, they could've teleported away. Like, they could've manipulated the code in a way that they would reappear somewhere within like a hundred blocks or so." He turned to Tango and finished: "Are you sure that there are no other admins in this world?"

Tango nodded and said: "Xisuma is our only admin. As far as I know, at least, but I don't think there could be another admin that I wouldn't know of." Dream looked at him, seemingly lost in his thoughts, when he suddenly suggested: "What if we go back to Xisuma's base and take a look at his coder again? I know that it's broken, but... something doesn't feel right here. I feel like breaking the literal coder of a world would have way heavier influences, right?" Phil looked at him and nodded slowly. "Now that you mention it, that could be true. It's worth checking at least, since we can't do anything while Zed is translating."
Yet Phil hesitantly glanced at the blonde hermit, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor, marking something with a pencil that no one really knew where it came from. He lowered his voice and stated: "Wouldn't it be smarter if I stayed back with him though? I don't trust that we are alone here, and it might be dangerous for him here alone." The other two followed his gaze, and Tango agreed: "There's no way we leave him behind with no protection. And the way he's this concentrated right now, it would be a bad idea to take him with us."

Dream PoV:
So, Dream and Tango left the rift, the yellow-haired hermit carrying the admin, and they eventually landed in front of Xisuma's towers. Finishing their light conversation, they entered one of the towers and made their way to the other admin's room. Tango knocked before entering and Dream bit his lip, knowing that there wouldn't be an answer. After the other confirmed that Xisuma was indeed not awake, they entered the room. Inside, the admin went straight to the broken coder, took it and carefully studied its traits. There it was, just what he was looking for- an error.

"It's fake", Dream stated, turning to Tango. The hermit stared at him for a couple of seconds and stuttered: "But- How- What does that mean? Wait- Does someone else have the real coder?!" The masked man nodded slowly, his thoughts racing. "Ranboo must've gotten to it. That could- That could mean that Ranboo, wherever he is right now, may have a lot of power over this world." The two of them stared at each other for what seemed like eternity, when Dream decided to put his thoughts into words: "We have to find him. Although, he could be anywhere? We can't-" Tango snapped his fingers and interrupted the other: "Phil swears that he saw someone at the top of the hall, and you said that teleporting is only possible when having the powers of an admin, right? So that would mean, that-"

His voice faded off, as he and Dream had the same realization at the same time. "That would mean, that Phil and Zedaph are in incredible danger right now", Dream finished the sentence. A look of horror crossed Tango's face, followed by a sense of fear. "We have to go back right now", he fretted, rushing out of the door. Dream ran after him, his mind cluttered with different thoughts and possibilities. He was worried about what Ranboo could've done, while under the influence of the book.


I'm back, with a really short part (1025 words). Sorry that it's so short, I didn't really have time and motivation to continue writing, so I'm leaving y'all with a cliffhanger. Sucks, i know... anyways, thank you all so much for waiting and reading this part, i hope you enjoyed!!
See you all,

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