Chapter 8

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Dream PoV:
After his conversation with Xisuma, Dream couldn't sleep anymore. The other admin had already left to get some more rest, since there was nothing they could've done immediately against the fact that Xisuma was steadily losing his admin powers, and with them the control over the world. Dream had read books before about what happened once there was no admin in a world anymore. Since there was no one to fix the glitches anymore, more and more of those would appear, until the world would start killing everyone in it. It was a horrible thing to happen, and getting killed by a glitch was one of the more horrific ways to go. Realistically, there was only a day or two left, three at maximum, until Xisuma would lose the control over this world, and that would most likely mean that he and his friends would be doomed to stay until certain death. So would all the hermits.

He noticed that his room was starting to light up. Dawn had arrived. He knew that he should try and get at least one or two hours more sleep, but was also already too awake for that. The admin decided to go outside for a walk and to clear his mind a little. So he stood up, threw a jacket over and put his mask on. The cool wind brushed through his hair as he flew a couple of meters away from the base, towards the giant forest. He landed and started casually walking, listening to the sound of the birds chirping in the trees. He even took his mask off and carried it in his hand. And no matter how peaceful this moment was, his mind soon started to get troubled again when he noticed some leaves glitching out of existence. He froze and stared at the bare spot. It was only such a small thing, so easily fixable, yet was there no way to fix it. Now nothing seemed peaceful anymore. Troubled, he went back to the dining room, in which all of the people who were supposed to take part in todays mission would meet, and waited there silently for the others to appear.

The first one to arrive was Tango. They greeted each other, the smile on the hermits face not hiding away his worry. "How are Tommy and Tubbo?", the admin asked. "Tommy is still passed out. I took the risk to use another healing pot on him, since they seemed to work the best for my burn. Tubbo seems quite troubled and he asked me if he could take part in our mission today. but I convinced him to stay with Tommy." Dream nodded in response, as he heard footsteps, to which Phil soon entered the room. They greeted again and the two winged men started a light conversation, while the other SMP'er quietly listened. After a while, Zedaph hastily arrived as well. He excused himself for being a little late, to which the other hermit pointed out that Xisuma wasn't here yet either. The three of them went on to chatting about unimportant things, clearly trying not to think about what they were going to do today. About half an hour passed, when Zedaph finally said: "Why isn't X here? He's the last person I'd expect to be this late." "I'll go and see what's up with him", Dream offered. The others agreed, so he quickly walked outside and started taking the stairway up to the other admin's room.

Dream was silently terrified. He knew what state Xisuma had been the night before, and he was scared of what had happened. He stood in front of the door and listened. Everything was quiet. Too quiet. He knocked. No response. He knocked again and shouted: "Xisuma? Are you here?!" No response again. Maybe the admin just went outside somewhere. But that was unlikely, given that Dream had been downstairs for over an hour and would've heard if someone passed by. After a moment of hesitation, he took out his axe and broke the door down. It took a moment for the dust to disappear, when he saw what he had feared the most. Xisuma was there, lying on the floor, passed out. Or at least he hoped that he was passed out. His eyes were shut and his helmet lay next to him. But that wasn't what terrified Dream the most- no, it was the fact that his aura was gone, the aura that every admin had, the aura that resembled an admins power.

He realised all that within a second, then stormed forward to check the other's pulse. It was there, like every other humans pulse- but that's all that there was. A normal human being. Not an admin. Dream was at a loss. For one of the first times in his life, he felt helpless. As if all the hope he had was gone. There was no way that anyone of them could ever restore an admins power, let alone open a portal so strong that it crosses between worlds. He didn't know how long he sat there, staring at the other in disbelief. At some point, the others joined him, yelling his and Xisumas name, then bombarding him with questions. But he couldn't answer any of them, feeling completely devastated by what had happened. How could there ever be something so strong to remove one's admin powers? Even worse, he knew that admins weren't physically able to survive without it, as their bodies were unable to adapt to living a normal human's life.

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