ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛 - ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕠'𝕤 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 𝔽𝕖𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤!

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Word Count : 1069 words 

"You can sleep in my room, Fuutaro," Miku said meekly, and that statement did not go unheard by Nino.

"Wait, what do you mean, Miku!?" Nino screamed. "You're..... you're going to sleep with the stalker? I absolutely refuse!"

"I'm not going to sleep with him. I just said that he can sleep in my room. I'll sleep in Ichika's room today," Miku said. However, the thought of sleeping together with Fuutaro had already burrowed its way into her mind, and she slowly turned tomato-red at the thought.

"Ara~~ what is Miku thinking of that's causing her to go red?" Ichika teased. Miku turned redder, and shied away from the onee-san. Fuutaro sighed.

"I'll just sleep on the couch."

"You're not supposed to ignore a person when they're doing a favor for you, Fuutaro-kun. Did you not know that?" Ichika said solemnly. "Miku is sleeping with me today. (F/N) is with Nino, and you're in Miku's room."

"..... fine."

"(F/N) is in my room~~ yippee~~"

Nino was dancing in the kitchen as she did the dishes. You gulped. Your sisters gulped. Fuutaro gulped.

"O-on another note, I'm sleepy," Fuutaro tried to excuse himself from the awkward situation. "I'll get going."

Saying so, he made a beeline towards Miku's room, and shut the door behind him.

Only you and your five sisters remained in the living room now. Nino was doing the dishes, so she was out of earshot.

Your four other sisters slowly crouched beside you, unknown to Nino. Miku sweetly ruffled your hair.

"If she does anything to you, scream," Miku said.

"Scream as loud as you can. We're right here, so don't worry about a thing," Itsuki said softly.

"Wanna come to my room tonight, (F/N)?" Yotsuba asked. "I'll try and convince Nino."

You sighed. "It won't work."

"That's true..... Nino would never allow you to go to another room today....." Ichika said sadly. "Be strong, (F/N). I know you can do this."

After receiving such encouraging words from your sisters, you braced yourself and stood outside the door of the second quint. You stood on your tippy-toes and managed to turn the knob around. You entered the room, and closed the door behind you.

Nino's room was very girly and aesthetic. The walls were pink, and there were posters of several boy bands all over the walls. Her study table was also covered with sticky notes and posters.

You walked over to the side table beside the bed, and stared at the photo that was framed on it.

A picture of all sisters, and you as a baby in Nino's arms. Mother was smiling at the camera behind. From the looks of it, you were crying, and Nino was trying to hush you down. You smiled at the picture.

On the bed, was your favorite pillow, complete with a new cover and a sweet scent. And of course, your blue dinosaur Rexy was in the middle of it all. These were the moments when you really liked Nino. She would always go out of the way to do something for you or your sisters, even if it is helping them in the smallest ways possible. You loved her for it. Usually it was you who brought your own pillows, but Nino would always do it for you.

As though on cue, Nino walked into the room, and her eyes sparkled as she saw you.


She picked you off the floor, squeezing the life out of you. "That stupid tutor didn't hurt you, did he? You're okay, right?"

"Of course. Why would he hurt me?" you asked, perplexed.

"Because he was obviously being mean to you!" Nino flailed her arms about, dropping you onto the bed in the process. "He was bullying you!"

"Nah, I'm fine. I can always punch him in the nuts if he goes overboard."

Nino grinned evilly. "Aww, I want you to do that more often, (F/N)! Like, punch him really hard."

You pouted. Nino swooned.

"But isn't that mean?" you asked quietly. "I don't wanna punch him there unless he pisses me off."

"I don't wanna hear it!" Nino said decisively. She swiftly changed into her nightgown while you were facing the wall. "Doesn't he annoy you? I mean, he's so stupid and a bonehead. If I were you, I would punch him in the nuts every day."


"But he's a good tutor, right?"

Nino quieted down, and listened to you. You were the only person in the world who could make Nino listen so attentively.

"You are getting better grades, right? You're all learning well," you said, and you hugged Rexy. "You can't deny that you're all getting better."

Nino pondered over your statement. "But I don't like him, (F/N). He's forcefully made his way into our lives. Every evening, the two of us would have fun and play games. It doesn't happen now, because Uesugi comes during that time. Don't you miss the fun we used to have, sweetie?"

You pursed your lips.

Of course you missed all the fun you had. Even if Nino had a severe brother complex, she was arguably the best sister one could ever ask for. Super fun to be around.

"I do miss them," you replied. "But this is important for you as well, right? If you don't get good grades, I'll feel really bad."

Nino's kawaii heart took some damage from your honest answer.

"Seriously, I don't understand how the others aren't brocons yet....." she muttered under her breath. You didn't hear it.

"Did you say something, Nino-nee?"

She smiled to herself, and pulled the covers over your small frame.

"Nothing! It's getting late, isn't it (F/N)? I think you should go to sleep. I don't want the other four to scream at me tomorrow morning because I let you stay awake for too long."

"Okie. Good night, Nino-nee."

"Sweet dreams, baby~~"

You hugged Rexy, and closed your eyes. You were out like a light.

Nino stared at your curled-up form, soft breathing and your red, wavy hair falling over your eyes. She slowly made her way next to you, making sure not to wake you up in the process.

She patted your head softly, and smiled to herself.

"His hair's getting longer....."

Before turning off the light, she glanced at the bedside photograph on the table. A cute family picture, with Nino trying her hardest to calm you down. Mother was behind as well, smiling at the camera. An extremely beautiful woman with waist-length red hair, and a mature vibe.

And all her five daughters and sole son had taken after her in looks.

Nino picked up the photo, and stared at it for some time. A thought crossed her mind, one that came directly from her heart.

"It's not that I hate Uesugi, I just don't want these times to end....."

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