The Life You Deserve ~ A/F

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Words: 4.4k
Relation: Familial
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Triggers: Red Room themes, injuries, death of a very minor character. 

Natasha vividly remembered when she first saw you. She was fourteen and you were only five. She remembered seeing you in your little tutu as you elegantly moved around the room, your hair pinned up in a pristine bun. 

You were clearly the youngest in the room. Innocence radiated off of you, and the fact that you were extremely tine compared to the others. 

She hated looking at you.

There was nothing wrong with you yourself, you looked like a cute child, but she hated that even now as you were dancing, she was watching the innocence being ripped from you as Madame B began screaming at the group to correct their forms. You looked scared, and she knew that one day that scared look would be replaced by a cold mask planted on your face. 

Natasha was the best in the Red Room, she excelled and outsmarted all of the other widows, even those much older than her. Which is why she had been selected to be a mentor to an even younger widow. You had been selected.

You were one of the youngest, so if Natasha made some errors with her first mentoring job there would still be time to rectify the situation. The situation being you. 

You didn't know that you had been selected to be a mentee to improve your already flourishing skillset, so you were oblivious to the horrified fourteen-year-old watching you through the glass. You just focused on your steps and form. 

Ballet made you feel free, even with Madame B screeching orders at the group. You just loved dancing, so it was easy to ignore the cons that came along with it.

But you froze when you noticed Dreykov walking towards you, followed by a girl with bright red hair. You were praying that they were going to be talking to one of the other girls in the room, but your prayers were not answered. 

He gently placed his hands under your arms to lift you up and place you on his hip. You flinched at his touch which broke Natasha's heart. But she kept her cold mask up, looking at you blankly now that your gazes were relatively level with each other. 

Her face displayed no emotions, but even at your young age, you could see that her eyes were staring at you with pity. You didn't remember someone ever looking at you like that, so you just stared at her as though she was the most interesting thing on the planet. She held your stare, your soft gaze intriguing her.

Due to being distracted, you hadn't heard the conversation that had just taken place between Dreykov and Madame B, explaining that you were being taken away from classes for the rest of the day.

So, you were startled as he began walking out with you, Natasha a few paces behind. You thrashed your legs slightly due to the confusion, which only caused the man holding you to painfully increase his grip.

You whimpered slightly as your bottom lip wobbled, and Natasha looked over at you again. In a perfect world, she would have snatched you from his arms and run away.

But this wasn't a perfect world.

Sensing eyes on you, you turned to meet her gaze, which instantly relaxed you, so you creepily stared at her the entire way to Dreykov's office. 

Natasha was confused but saw you relax when she looked at you, so she didn't look away. She liked how you were looking at her in a friendly and trusting way, no one else did. Most people those days either saw her as a threat or as someone to push around. 

Once in the man's office, Dreykov set you down beside his desk and told you to stand by Natasha on the other side of it. You promptly did so and looked up at her with interest. At this point though, her full focus was on Dreykov, she did not want to get on his bad side and so knew that she couldn't openly show you any affection.

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