Spicy Paintball ~ F

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Words: 3.3k
Relation: Romantic
Genre: Fluff

Autumn time always had a lull in missions for the Avengers. In the summer, everyone is out and about so any person with an evil agenda who wants attention will always make their move then, and in winter, when it's dark all of the time, those who hide in the shadows come out to play. However, in the autumn it was a weird middle ground. There were still some goons who thought that they had a chance of succeeding against the Avengers, but for the most part, the smart ones were all now waiting for the winter.

Most of the group love autumn for the very reason of they get somewhat of a break. Sleep schedules can be rectified, training can be toned down a notch, and hobbies could be worked on. You personally had been working on getting through the stack of books you had accumulated over the months. Having an addiction to going to cute book stores and buying books was all well and good unless you had no time to read the truckload of books purchased. But being an incredibly fast reader meant that it only took a month or so to get through the stack, so now that the second half of the season had started, you had nothing more to read.

Everyone else seemed to be doing something whilst you just sat in the communal living room scrolling through movie pirating sites on your laptop, wanting to watch something to entertain yourself, but not really feeling it at the same time. Feeling unmotivated sucked. Feeling lonely also sucked. You were incredibly close to Yelena Belova and Kate Bishop, plus your beautiful girlfriend Natasha Romanoff of course. The four of you always hung out and got into all sorts of trouble. Well... three of you got into all sorts of trouble. Natasha tried to get you out of said trouble.

But today, much like the rest of the team, they seemed to have found something to occupy their time with. Fucking rude.

Kate was working on making some new trick arrows, which most of the time you were the unfortunate guinea pig for. Just last week she had tested one that had some sort of glue on so that it will stick to you and you cannot get it off. You can move it around, but it will get stuck to your hand instead if you try to get it off, like those annoying extra-sticky stickers that are sometimes on packaging that just won't leave you alone. Though much to your dismay, and the team's amusement, she made it too sticky and the solution that she had made that was supposed to unstick it didn't. So, you were stuck with a damn arrow on your person for three days before she could figure it out. The only other person who was a bit bummed out about it was Natasha as it made cuddling a bit harder. But she was a hardass around everyone else so she didn't make it obvious in front of them.

Yelena was perfecting her mac n cheese recipe, trying to figure out the perfect ratio of cheese to pasta to hot sauce, to the exact milligram. So, the kitchen was off limits for the afternoon unless anyone wanted their head bitten off by the blonde with a tendency to not be able to control her anger.

Last but definitely not least, Natasha was being Natasha. She was training. Sometimes you would go and watch her for your own entertainment. Muscles. But when she kept being distracted by you practically drooling over her, she told you that the gym was off limits for you unless you were going to train too. You kept up with your training, but you were more of an evening trainer, and Nat liked to do it in the morning, and the afternoon. Though you being a distraction wasn't the only reason you were kicked out. Even after years of dating, whenever she spotted you admiring her she would get all shy and get clumsy.

You made the Black Widow a bumbling mess just by standing there.

So, you had to go.

You were about ready to give up and go and take a nap just to pass the time until dinner. It wasn't even as though you could waste time by making dinner because Yelena planned on giving everyone the leftovers of macaroni that she wasn't satisfied with. Because she's just nice like that.

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