Don't Get Angry ~ A/F

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Words: 1.4k
Relation: Romantic
Genre: Fluff, with heavy angst. 
Triggers: Vormirrr, death, no happy ending. My bad </3

Summary: You and Natasha save each other, over and over. Based on the lyrics of 'Army' by Besomorph.


Natasha struggled to sleep.

It wasn't anything new, it was something she had always battled with. She thought that it was something that was just normal for someone in her line of work. Her brain couldn't shut off.

That was until she started dating you.

As your relationship progressed and you began to sleep in the same bed, it became evident that Nat was struggling, even though she hated to admit it. Occasionally during the night you would wake up and become a little restless, enough to wake yourself up to notice that Nat would be staring up at the ceiling.

At first, she tried to push you away when you started questioning her about it.

Eventually, she caved. She was so tired. She needed to sleep.

As she explained it to you, she became teary-eyed. She wanted to be normal, she wanted to sleep by your side and feel completely comfortable and well-rested like you did. She was desperate.

Your heart broke for her, so you vowed to help her. Having not even been dating for too long at this point, Natasha was worried about becoming a burden. She gave you an out. One that you refused to take.

She had done that a few times. Provided you with the option to leave her.

At first, you were offended. How could you not be? It seemed as though every time things got tricky she wanted to give up, she seemed fine with giving you these outs. It was hard not to think she was asking you if you wanted to leave to hide the fact that she wanted you to leave.

But, as time went on, it all became clear. She was giving you an out because she never wanted anyone to feel trapped because of her. She didn't want anyone to feel trapped like she did.

So she kept giving you the option. It was a bad habit that you wanted her to break, but for now, all you did was say how much you wanted to be with her and moved on.

As she lay there huffing and sighing after you forced her to drink some Malt Milk and listen to some sleep playlists on Spotify, you kept reminding her of how much you loved her, and that this was not an issue. At that time, she felt like she was being unnecessarily babied, she viewed it as some kind of weakness.

At first, it was a battle to take steps to help her sleep. She just wanted to lie down in silence like a normal person who didn't drink warm milk drinks to try and get to sleep. The fight to get her to just go along with it and try was half the problem. She would get herself so worked up about it that she felt too angry to go to bed.

Then she snapped at you.

When she saw your face drop as you started playing awkwardly with the corner of a blanket, she felt her heart drop to her stomach. She didn't mean to hurt you, she just had never been cared for before. She found it sweet, but to her, it was also a little suffocating.

You both apologised. You promised to give her a little more space when it came to these things, and she promised to be more open with what you suggested.

That night wasn't a good night's sleep for any of you. Even though you were on good terms, there was still a guilty feeling on both sides. You were worried you were pushing each other away.

The next night you gave her space. She made herself the drink, and she picked the playlist. You lay next to each other talking softly until you felt tired, and this time, you both fell asleep, shuffling closer to each other through the night until you woke up in each other's arms.

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