Championships ~ F

1K 28 2

Words: 1.5k
Relation: Familial
Genre: Fluff

x daughter!reader
Age: 14


One thing that Natasha had always made clear with you, was that she wanted you to have everything that she couldn't. The whole nine yards. She tried her absolute best to make sure that you had meals you loved on your plate every day, provided you with all the resources you could need to pursue whatever hobby you wanted and made sure that you were well-socialised with those your own age, and your family.

She wanted you to want for nothing.

Some may say that Natasha had spoiled you, but anyone who knew Natasha would know that this was not the case. Yes, she kept you stocked up on things you wanted, and yes, she tried to wrap you up in a little bubble so that you would never have to see the horrors of the world, but you were not spoiled. She made sure that you earned things that were not a necessity, except for the occasional gift when she wanted to surprise you.

Another thing that Natasha had always made clear with you is that you have to work to achieve. The world will not hand you everything on a grand silver platter.

The world could also be cruel. She hated that it was a guarantee that it would be cruel to you at some point in your life. If it were up to her she would make sure that it never happens, but that was impossible, so she gave you the tools that you needed to survive and thrive.

She taught you to be strong mentally, but to not make the mistake of shutting people out as she often did. She taught you how to run fast and to hit hard. On paper, you were all prepared for the real world, even at your young age. But in Natasha's mind, she would never be ready to send you out, but another thing that she wanted for you was your freedom.

Natasha was always complimented for the way that you had turned out so far. Having raised you to be a well-rounded and experienced child, you got on with most people who entered your life. Making Natasha a very proud mother whenever she watched you interact with those around you or your environment in general.

Powered by ambition you always sought out ways to put your best foot forward just like your Mom.

Being fast and athletic, at school you gravitated towards being on the track team, which is something that your Mom always encouraged, seeing the way your eyes lit up when you talked about how various practices went.

Having never gotten the opportunity to attend school, and therefore teams and clubs, seeing you get that experience always put a smile on Natasha's face. She wanted the experience to be perfect for you.

So, she sold her sports car to buy a classic Mom Minivan to be able to take you and your friends to various inter-school track meets and competitions, always making sure the pockets and doors were full of water bottles and healthy snacks for the journeys. She learnt how to sew so that she could fix your uniform if you ever ripped it, which happened often because you were somewhat of a clutz.

That was the main difference between you and Natasha, every movement of hers was calculated and precise, whereas you moved around as though you had eight limbs. You were always grateful for the fact that your Mom's reflexes were out of this world, as it meant that she always appeared out of nowhere just as you were about to injure yourself.

Mothering you was a double full-time job. But it was one that Natasha wouldn't give up for the world.

You were well aware of Natasha's past, she liked to be transparent with you. So, when most of your friends got embarrassed when they thought their moms were being too enthusiastic about their lives and achievements, you couldn't relate.

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