I'm Tired ~ F

2K 52 4

Words: 2.8k
Relation: Platonic/Romantic
Genre: Fluff

College AU

Most nights you had been getting a severe lack of sleep, which wasn't great when you had to wake up for your 8 am lectures. Your roommate Wanda was an absolute sweetheart, the only issue was her new boyfriend, Vision. Before Vision entered the scene, the two of you would study together, watch a movie, and fall asleep at midnight or before. Like the responsible students that you were.

Though ever since Vision, they're up until the early hours of the morning cuddling and chatting whilst watching TV shows. Granted, the main light was always off as a common courtesy to you, but their voices and blaring light from the laptop kept you awake until they got tired and turned it off. Much to your dismay, this rarely occurred before 2 am.

You just weren't confrontational and she seemed so happy, so you didn't have the heart to tell them that they were being the most annoying people in your life currently, and the bar was low. You knew a lot of annoying people.

Another thing that annoyed you is that even without makeup, Wanda would still look stunning waking up every morning after 4 hours of sleep every day. You had to slap on some concealer so that you didn't look like the demon panda from hell. Oh, how you envied people who won the genetic lottery in terms of eye bags and dark circles.

The current night was a particularly bad one. They had started binge-watching "Sweet Tooth" on Netflix, and instead of doing a couple of episodes a night like they normally would do to finish up 'early', they kept watching and watching until they had finished the whole thing. You had been drifting in and out of sleep for hours, but when a new noise blasted from the laptop, your eyes would fly open.

When it was time to wake up and get ready after only getting an hour of uninterrupted sleep you felt all kinds of nauseous and lightheaded, but you were determined to get to class. You rushed into your shared bathroom before Wanda could get a chance to use the shower, and quickly scrubbed at your teeth and tried to style your hair, though your blurry eyes meant that your hands were not cooperating.

After giving up with just throwing it up with a hair tie, you tried your hardest to hide the dark circles that were painfully obvious under your eyes, though no amount of makeup was enough to hide the damage that was done to your skin last night. Once you deemed yourself somewhat respectable, you moved out of the bathroom to throw on whatever clothes appeared in your wardrobe first and left with a granola bar in hand.

You let your feet carry you on autopilot and somehow ended up on the right part of campus. Without even spotting your friends, you were about to walk straight past them, but luckily they noticed you in your zombie-like trance and grabbed ahold of you, pushing you onto your normal space on the bench that you had claimed. Shuri and Kate gave each other concerned glances as they looked at your out-of-it state, before Kate waved a hand in front of your face, snapping you back into reality.

"Hm?", you spoke before yawning and stretching. "How long were you out last night, and why didn't you invite us?", Shuri gave you a playful shove, which you just groaned at, the rattling movement of your head sending a sharp pain through your skull.

"Jeez, seriously what happened to you?", Kate tried, taking the more cautious approach than Shuri, treating you like a deer in headlights as her eyes flashed with worry. "Wanda", you spoke again between a yawn, and the pair beside you rolled their eyes. They knew all about how you had rarely been getting any sleep and kept trying to convince you to tell her to have a 'no sounds past midnight' rule, but you always ignored them. Again, you didn't have a single confrontational bone in your body.

There wasn't much time for them to be able to lecture you though, as you all had to go to your actual lecture, so they linked arms with you and led you over to your first class of the day, which you promptly fell asleep in. Kate had to keep pinching your thigh to keep you awake so that you didn't feel the wrath of Agatha, your ancient culture studies professor.

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