Silent Comforts ~ A/F

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Words: 2.4k
Relation: Romantic
Genre: Angst/Fluff

Natasha was a complicated woman. You never quite knew where you stood with her. Granted, you hadn't known her long, but there were some moments where you thought that there was the slightest possibility that you might be on the same wavelength and other times where it seemed as though she would rather eat a shoe than be near you.

Being the newbie on the team meant that by default you were going to be the one that everyone was the least warmed up to, you understood that, but the rest of the team tried to make you feel as included as they all did. And for the most part, you felt like you were fully part of the dysfunctional superhero family that the compound housed. But there was still someone who had not fully come around to the idea of your existence.

Natasha Romanoff.

If you were with the team mingling during group training or general activities like movie nights, she sent you small smiles and engaged in small talk if you ended up standing near each other, and the smiles that she smiled seemed genuine. They reached her eyes and made them sparkle. Though when you were alone with her, which was a rarity due to the way she avoided that situation like the plague, she ignored your entire being.

You would walk into the kitchen with a pep in your step, and your happiness tended to increase when you saw the redhead making herself a drink or a small snack in between meal times. You would grin and continue your walk forward, offering a happy greeting as you got your own beverage. Sometimes she would offer you some sort of annoyed grunt in response, or just ignore you completely. You would watch her walk out of the room with a frown on your face and your head tilted, not knowing why she was treating you like that when recently she had been talking to you about how well you are advancing in training and seeming to want to know you more personally.

It was confusion on a level that you had never felt before, and it always left a stinging pain in your chest. Natasha was an amazing person. She was strong, passionate about what she believed in, a hard worker, had a good sense of humour, and made you feel as though you were the only person in the room when she looked at you. It was hard not to fall for her. So when she made out that she hated you, it hurt. But she didn't seem to care when she saw your saddened expression before turning on her heels and making her exit.

It wasn't like you could confide in anyone about it either as no one else ever witnessed her actions, so they likely wouldn't believe you. You would be coined as the newbie who tried to create a rift with pre-established friendships. A homewrecker of sorts. You didn't want to be known as the Avengers homewrecker. So, during hangouts where you would normally talk to her in an enthusiastic manner, excited that she seemed to want to get to know you as much as you wanted to get to know her, you withdrew yourself.

You had probably been over the top, too overexcited; coming to the conclusion that you had been annoying, and who knows who else you had been annoying on the team and they were too polite to say so. The easiest option was to just barely talk. But due to your usual bubbly and bouncy nature that the team all grew to love, it was easy for them to see your change in behaviour, and it led to some concerned glances being thrown your way when you weren't looking. Including glances from Natasha.

She had been looking forward to games night as it was her opportunity to talk to you. With how she felt for you, one on one was far too scary for her, but she loved talking to you when there was a group, she was hoping to build up the courage to eventually talk to you when no one else was around. It was an alien feeling for Natasha and she didn't know how to interact with you, but her main focus that night was how even though you were offering small smiles during conversations with other people, your eyes were completely dull.

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