Sniffles and Sneezes ~ F

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Words: 2.3k
Relation: Romantic
Genre: Fluff

Another request from my Tumblr <3


The first thing that you could think of that day was how it felt that you had been hit by a truck. Your eyes hadn't even opened yet, but your throat felt scratchy, your head felt like it was being pumped full of helium, and your body ached as though you'd had a tough day at the gym, despite not having worked out for a few days thanks to meetings and reports. With a groan you lifted your arm and weakly flopped it forward, trying to search for Natasha. Usually, you would have been more gentle, but you had truly lost a decent chunk of your motor skills.

Disappointment ebbed through you with shock waves when you felt empty sheets. They were cold, so she had been gone for a while. With a great amount of effort, you rolled onto your other side and finally allowed your eyes to open, groaning even harder as the bright lights from the gap in your curtains struck your eyeballs.

Squinting thanks to the blurriness, you looked at your alarm clock. 10:37.


You were running late on starting your tasks for the day, and Nat would be finishing up training soon. It was Monday, which meant that it was Nat's most intense training session of the week. She liked to start off incredibly strong on Mondays so that the rest of the week seemed a bit better and she would get on with it without complaining. Whatever worked for her, you guessed. You just preferred doing it consistently each day, with shorter training sessions, Natasha's were more erratic with longer days to make up for shorter days.

Due to it being her most intense training session, you always liked to prepare breakfasts for her on Mondays, so... if you were to do that for your lovely girlfriend, you would have to get a move on. Fast.

Grunting when heaving yourself off of the bed, swaying initially, you made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth and tie your hair up, before getting into some day clothes. You had too much to do today to continue slacking all morning, so you got into some presentable clothes and tidied yourself up.

Fake it 'til you make it.

With a newfound (fake) pep in your step, you made your way through the compound and over to the kitchen. No one was there as they had already started their day hours ago, and you were glad that you didn't have to make small talk whilst it felt like your head was being hit by a sledgehammer.

With the oven turned on, the coffee pot brewing, and you standing bent over with your forehead pressed into the cool counters, you thought that the morning was now on the right track. Even though it looked like you were going delusional from an outside view.

The smells from the bacon, eggs, and toast were delicious. Though unfortunately, the new smells hitting your olfactory system seemed to awaken a hoard of sneezes that came out, meaning you had to lift your head away from the soothing counter for your body to get them out of your system. Yet another groan escaped your lips after the sneezing fit, and you washed your hands to plate up Nat's meal.

And like clockwork, Nat strolled in at 11 in her workout gear, cheeks flushed from exertion, and a big grin on her face. That was until she saw you. You thought you were being slick with hiding how you felt like crap, but it was clear. You were paler than normal, with a sticky sheen on your forehead, and your nose red from sniffing. Her smile faltered for a second but it soon came back, happy to see you.

"Hey, honey. How are you?", she walked up to you and placed a kiss on your cheek, looking at you with concern, "You don't look too good, you okay?".

"I'm fine", you dismissed her with a flick of the wrist and plated up her breakfast up with a tired grin, "Bon appetite!", you spoke proudly and pushed the plate in front of where she was now sitting at the table. Nat didn't believe that you were really 'fine', but she was hungry, she'd just trained for four hours, so she told herself she'd ask you again once she'd finished the breakfast.

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