A Pool Of Betrayal ~ F

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Words: 0.8k
Relation: Romantic
Genre: Fluff

The sounds of laughter booming through the room was not strong enough to drown out the thumping of your heartbeat ringing through your ears. As you watched from across the indoor swimming room in the compound, you felt your heart rate increase to an irregular pace, your chest tightening sending vibrations of pain down through to your stomach.

No one seemed to notice how you were idly standing at the edge of the room, your breathing picking up and your hands clenched at your sides. The anger and betrayal seeping through your bloodstream wasn't picked up by your friends or family, and you didn't understand why. Why was no one helping you, why was no one stopping her?

Your lips tugged down as you frowned, feeling helpless in the situation that you had been thrown into. Never in a million years had you expected your girlfriend to betray you like this, and you were forced to watch as she laughed at something that Maria had said whilst committing such a heinous act. How dare she.

Whilst your ears were ringing from the boiling anger coursing through you, you hadn't heard Wanda next to you trying to get your attention until the swatted at your arm. Immediately your face snapped to her and her heart broke at seeing your expression, you looked like you were going to burst into tears. Her eyes widened as she spoke and placed a hand on your shoulder for comfort, "What's wrong?".

You sniffled slightly and looked between your girlfriend and Wanda, "Natasha stole my pool noodle".

"What?", the brunette deadpanned, a frown appearing on her face, "Why are you upset about that?". You sighed and threw your hands up in the air, "Because! I brought that one with my own money, and it's the last one there, all of the ones that were brought by Tony have bite marks in", your face scrunched up in disgust as you watched Sam chillaxing on a pool floaty with chomps taken out of it.

"Okay yes, the bite marks are disgusting", Wanda agreed, "But there's no need to get so upset about a pool noodle honey, I'm sure Natasha will share with you if you ask nicely".

"But it's my pool noodle", you complained, not seeing what Wanda wasn't understanding about your predicament. It was your pool noodle. You loved your girlfriend with your whole heart but if she didn't want to buy her own floaties then she had to deal with the consequences. "Go and ask nicely", Wanda placed a hand on your back and pushed you forward a few steps before turning back around to walk back over to Vision.

With a heavy heart, you continued your walk forward and sat on the edge of the pool, waving your legs around slightly before hoisting yourself in, appreciating the warmth of the water that was now absorbing you. Humming in delight, you waded over to Natasha who was in a conversation with Maria and Steve, her eyes lighting up whenever a joke was cracked.

When you got closer and she spotted you, she broke out in a grin, but when she saw that you looked seemingly distraught her face dropped, "What's wrong my love?". Her concern immediately made Steve and Maria turn to face you, their faces holding the same sympathetic look that Nat's had.

You cleared your throat and placed a hand on the edge of the pool noodle that she was currently leaning back against, "You took my pool noodle".

She pursed her lips to hold back a laugh, thinking that you were joking, but when she turned to face Maria and Steve to see their reactions, she was taken aback at seeing them genuinely shaking their heads disapprovingly at her. She turned back to you, still seeing that you were floating with one hand gingerly placed onto the noodle, looking like a wounded animal.

Natasha wasn't really sure what to do, it was a pool noodle for crying out loud, and it was the last one. It was also the cleanest one, she didn't want Tony's disgusting floaties. "I'm willing to share if you are", you spoke, now with your head held high, taking Wanda's advice.

Natasha gave a tight-lipped but genuine smile and lifted one arm off of the noodle and held it out widely so that you could swim into her side. Immediately you paddled into the gap and she wrapped an arm around you as you held onto one side of the noodle, slowly and gently kicking your legs to combat the waves being sent your way from some of the lads messing around in the deeper end.

As Steve and Maria continued the previous conversation, Natasha gave you a small peck on the side of your head before participating. You leaned your head on Natasha's shoulder, fully melting into her embrace, and caught Wanda's gaze from the other side of the room, who raised her eyebrows in question, prompting you to give her a thumbs up, and she gave you one back with a smile.

Maybe sharing your pool noodle with Natasha wasn't so bad. You trusted that she wasn't the weirdo who went around eating them. 

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