Puppy Love ~ F

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Words: 2.8k
Relation: Romantic
Genre: Fluff

Your relationship with Natasha was always an odd thing to other people. They never did believe that you were actually dating, you could have a heated makeout session in front of them and they still wouldn't be able to wrap their heads around it. 

It was annoying that for a while you couldn't do coupley things with your girlfriend without people looking as though it was a circus act. Eyes bulging as though they had never seen something so mind-boggling. You learned to understand why they might not have thought of you as a match, but the ogling was a bit much. 

The fearless assassin with... you. A vet nurse that people have described many a time as "a lil' sushi roll". 

You quite literally could never hurt a fly. One time you stood on an ant whilst on a walk with some of the Avengers, and you cried for five minutes. So, when you two eventually revealed that you were an item they couldn't quite believe it. But it was true. 

Natasha loved your childlike outlook on life, something that not many people have. But she also loved the dedication to your work, you were an incredibly smart woman and had aided in saving multiple lives in your job. And you loved how even though Natasha had a hardened exterior, you were one of the few people to see through the cracks, which you thought was a privilege. Underneath the surface was a person with a lot of love to give, and surprisingly a person with a candle obsession. 

Her room was littered with them, it was a wonder that she hadn't burnt the place down yet. 

Yours and Natasha's story was the friends to lovers arc, so you were already familiar with those living in the compound due to having known Natasha for years before you started dating. 

Someone that you had always been incredibly close with was Wanda. You met her right after the tragic loss of her brother, Pietro, and you being you were the only person who could get Wanda to come out of her shell in her initial days with the Avengers. 

From helping her grieve, a friendship was born and she started hanging out with you and Natasha a lot, it was nice that your friendship group of two wasn't so small anymore. It took a while for the two of you to reassure her that she was not intruding and that you were happy for her to join in with the activities and days out that you two do. 

The three of you were the trio of trouble around the compound, Natasha was the more calm one of the bunch, but that didn't mean that she didn't get a kick out of the antics that took place too. 

More often than not, if any of the others who resided in the compound walked into the kitchen, they walked into a bakery bombshell. There would be batter and flour everywhere, spoons and spatulas on the floor, cupcake cases strewn everywhere, dirty equipment making a mountain in the sink, and you three, on the floor. 

The floor was the place that your group thought best to eat the delicious baked goods that you had put time and effort into preparing. You'd all be eating and chatting, blissfully unaware of the hurricane that you had once again brought into everyone else's lives. 

But you were all having fun, and most importantly, so was Wanda. That woman deserved it, the first thought that you had about her after learning about what had happened in Sokovia was 'Man, she needs a hug'. 

After a few months of observing you during your time together, Wanda noticed a closeness between you and Natasha that hadn't been there when she first saw you two together. The new looks that you would give each other, the increase of small touches, texting each other a lot more when you were apart.

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