Sure You Aren't ~ F

1.5K 39 12

Words: 2.3k
Relation: Familial
Genre: Fluff

Raindrops pelted the car like mini bullets on your journey to your Aunt Yelena's house. Being an eleven-year-old, this gave you the opportunity to entertain yourself during the couple of hours it took to reach the house. 

You watched your passenger side window intently as the many raindrops competed in races. The races may not have been real, but the disappointment felt when your chosen raindrop didn't win was. It was real to you. 

Excitement ran through you when the rain somehow got even heavier, the races had become a lot more interesting. You had to restrain yourself from hopping in your seat when your designated raindrops won three times in a row. 

One thing that kept distracting you, however, was your mother in the driver's seat huffing away at how bad the weather was and how it needed to end soon. 

You frowned slightly, the rain was your favourite weather so you didn't want it to stop any time soon. Though your mother who was driving was incredibly concerned about your safety and was mindful of the fact that the road was a lot more slippery than it was at the start of the journey. 

Your mother's frustration had been enough to distract you from the adrenaline-filled raindrop races, and so instead your train of thought went to how bored you were in the car. It had been an hour since leaving your house, and quite frankly you would rather be at home again. 

"Mom?", you questioned as you turned to face her, drumming your fingers against the armrest between the two of you. 

She briefly looked over at you in acknowledgement before immediately snapping her eyes back onto the road, still mindful that these were not good conditions to be driving in. "Yes, малыш?". 

"How much longer", your voice came out in a much more whiney tone than intended, you had honestly tried to keep your tone level knowing that your mom would tell you to talk properly. But you were so bored. 

Your mom let out a dry chuckle whilst shaking her head gently, "What's with the whining?", she teased and looked at you with a pout. 

"I'm bored", you dragged out with an even more prominent whine as you threw your head back onto your headrest. "I'm trying not to kill us here, hun", was the response that you got as she gestured at the windscreen wipers that were giving zero visibility. 

You grumbled a bit knowing that there was nothing you could say to respond to that. "Aww, is my poor baby bored?", your mom once again mocked with a pout.

"Mom!", you tugged on the edges of your hoodie sleeves and your cheeks turned a shade of scarlet from your Mom making fun of you. "Okay, okay", she surrendered knowing not to push it, you had entered that delicate age group where everything causes some form of embarrassment, "We still have another hour left". 

"Are you kidding me?", you groaned and once again pressed the back of your head into the headrest. An hour was too long to be doing imaginary races in your head. You needed out. 

Your Mom's tone of voice with her reply of "Watch it, you", made you snap your head to face her, thinking that you had somehow gotten yourself into actual trouble. Not that you found that a difficult task these days. But when you saw her eyes flash with amusement as she briefly looked at you, and the smirk that rested on her lips, you knew that she wasn't serious. 

Thank Thor. 

"But hey, we get to hang out with Auntie Lena all day", she tried to reason with you and stifled a laugh at seeing you weighing it all out in your head. "Yeah, okay", you shrugged, trying your best now to show childish excitement, but inside a bunch of party poppers were going off. 

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