Coded Disagreements ~ F

1.5K 53 9

Words: 4.8k
Relation: Romantic
Genre: Fluff
Triggers: Robbing you of smut ;3

You had known Natasha for as long as you could remember. The places that you had grown up in weren't exactly the same, though they might as well have been. Natasha grew up in the Red Room, a brutal Russian organisation that indoctrinates young girls to fight for their agenda, ripping away their autonomy in the process. 

You grew up in a Greek organisation, η ακαδημία αρποκράτους, also known as The Academy of Harpocrates. It was incredibly similar to the Red Room. Young people, regardless of gender, were snatched or brought from families and placed into the Academy. The agendas were similar in that they were for self-gain. The Red Room fought for hidden domination, The Academy fought to see the collapse of society to allow them to rebuild, their approaches tended to be more devastating compared to the Russian organisation. But the aim was the same.

Growing up, the organisations collaborated once a year. They thought it was important for the children to spar with those from the other organisations. The two had different training and fighting styles, so sparring against other kids from the organisation allowed them to practice fighting against those with different fighting styles and techniques. It prepared them for the real world of missions and assignments. 

It was efficient. No other communication was allowed other than sparring. Children from both organisations were kept apart, the collaborations were mostly held in Russia, and the Greeks would stay on the other side of the building from the Widows. The two places may collaborate and have similar sociopolitical views, but they were in no way complete allies. There was always the opportunity for one to stab the other in the back for self-preservation. 

Friendships were forbidden within their own organisations, so if they caught any communications from external ones then it was a guarantee that severe consequences would be had. 

Which is why you had to be sneaky. 

The first time you and Natasha met, though you didn't remember it, was when you were two. Of course, at that age, you weren't brought along to the Red Room to spar, but you were brought along so that you and the others your age learnt that there were more people in the world than in the little bubble that you were being raised in. 

Though you did wonder why you were told you could go and see other children if you weren't allowed to interact with them. But even at your young age, you knew not to question your superiors and just tried to find a crumb of fun on the trip. It was weird being outside of the Academy as those four walls were the only ones that you had ever known. Having been sold at the ripe old age of 4 days old, you weren't really aware that there was much else around the world as you had never been allowed to leave. Until your first collaboration trip. 

On day three of the trip, whilst standing by your handler in the Russian's training room, you looked around in awe of how different it all looked. In actuality it didn't look very nice, it was cold and gloomy, but it looked vastly different to your training room at home so your focus was on that. 

You took notice of the dark hardwood flooring and cream walls and black arches, with small windows on the side, not allowing for much light. You thought it looked really cool, your training room had a padded cream flooring and the walls were mostly made out of glass. The contrast piqued your young mind. 

Though you were soon distracted by noises from the fight that had started, and so snapped your head around to see. But instead of the fight, you ended up staring into the eyes of someone your age with green eyes and red hair. It didn't take long for her to look in your direction with the way that you were creepily staring, and when eye contact was made you both gave sheepish smiles followed by a shy wave. 

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