Experience ~ F

898 35 0

Words: 2.1k
Relation: Romantic
Genre: Fluff

Based on a request from my Tumblr! ~natashasnoodle

Warning: Alludes to sending sexual imagery, but does not go into detail. 


The sounds of old book pages turning, and scraping against each other filled the room as you read an old book that was picked up at a second-hand books fair, the edges of the pages tinged brown from years of use and love. As vivid imagery of armour-clad warriors riding horseback across fields and empires filled your head, the modern-day texting tone quickly drew you out of it.

Heart skipping a beat, you saw it was Natasha. Making sure to put a bookmark in the book, your teeth found your bottom lip as you picked up your phone, getting ready to reply to - hopefully - yet another flirtatious text. When hoping to date someone you hoped for a bit more substance in the initial messages, but Natasha seemed to always message things that got you hot and bothered, both with texts and images, and you doing the same in return.

After confirming that it was yet another flirty message, her telling you what she would love to be doing right now, your cheeks and ears went red as a tingling feeling went through your hands, the small anxiety-adrenaline spike causing your breathing to pick up a bit as you typed out a reply that you hoped would get her just as flustered as you are now.

Though you doubted it. You were a mess with most things, someone could compliment your shoes and you would think about planning out a life with them. But Natasha was Natasha. She owned every space that she walked into. She owned everyone that she talked to. Just by looking at someone she could make them do anything. You thought that even if you had a tenth of the amount of confidence Natasha seemed to have that you would be able to command the cosmos.

But alas, Natasha was a Black Widow, and you compared yourself more or less to some kind of wet fish. You possessed a sensitive nature, a kind soul that was often looked past. You needed someone with emotional availability to nurture you, so that you in turn could use your beautiful soul to nurture them. However, a lot of people were not like that. Many dates and situationships these days tend to end with someone getting bored, whilst the other person still feels attached and feeling clingy to someone that doesn't even like them anymore.

Which is why you were taking this situation with Natasha cautiously. You'd been burnt in the past, and the plan was to not be burnt again any time soon. Fingers tapping away on the screen of the phone whilst your foot tapped to a rhythm in your head, the flirting continued. She only lived a few doors down in your apartment building, so you didn't quite understand why it felt like some kind of long-distance situation. But Natasha never really hinted at actually meeting up and doing the thing she talked about doing in person.

Some insecurities got the better of you. You knew that you were rather clingy in a relationship, not in an unhealthy way, but enjoying telling each other about the mundane things that have happened in the day, good morning and goodnight texts, wanting to see each other as often as possible, whilst also giving each other a bit of space. But some people didn't like that style of relationship, and they had let you know that they didn't with no space to read inbetween the lines.

This carried on to now. You had wanted to suggest that you and Natasha go a step further and actually try a date, but you didn't want her to think of you as clingy. Especially because she seemed so nonchalant about everything. You imagined that she was probably sat in her apartment replying to your texts right now without even a change in her heart rate.

You supposed that instead of wanting this to actually go anywhere, Natasha was just looking to do something to pass her time. Biting your nails whilst waiting for a response, you also supposed that she probably had multiple women to text right now, whereas you were just being pathetic and clinging onto this one person, in hopes that this woman, who in your eyes was way out of your league, would actually like you back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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