My Ally ~ A

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Words: 5.9k
Relation: Platonic~
Genre: Angst

This is based on a request I received (it was my first one too so ty :D). It is more bloody than I am used to writing but I thought that the challenge of not writing complete fluff could be fun, so I hope it's at least half-decent. I tweaked it slightly to fit my writing style, and also added a reader element as that's the theme of this one shot book, though the reader character is gender-neutral in this one.

Triggers: Kidnapping, blood, torture (I do not go into too much detail). 

Brief summary of request: Set in 2012 before the Avengers Initiative. Natasha receives a call from Fury informing her of a new villain in Scotland on the rise - Vax. When in Scotland things do not go to plan, and Natasha ends up in a less than ideal situation.

--- 2012 ---

The very early morning was peaceful. The full moon shone brightly in the sky, exaggerating the thick waves of fog that rolled through the city as if part of a Tsunami. Shadows from trees danced around the streets with perfect choreography, those without blackout blinds got free tickets to the show. 

Birds in those trees had started singing their morning tune, earning small smiles from people sleeping nearby—the peaceful songs wriggling their way into their dreams. 

Natasha's early morning was just as peaceful as everyone else's for once. Though that peace was promptly thrown into a titanium safe, crushed by a train, and then thrown into an active volcano. 

She cursed her phone for going off at such an unreasonable time in the morning. She was in the midst of having a few rare days off, so she was less than enthused with her work phone ringing on her nightstand. 

Looking over to her digital clock quickly, it read 4:10 am. She groaned whilst picking up her phone and answering it as she slammed her head back into her pillow. 

"Romanoff", the voice of Fury came through the phone. Natasha pursed her lips and let out a loud puff of air from her nose. She was being called into work. 

"Yes, Sir", she replied monotonously.

"I need you to come in, it's urgent".

Again, the redhead sighed, "It's my day off, Nick", she pinched the bridge of her nose to try and relieve the stress headache she was already getting.

"This takes priority, unfortunately, Agent. We have been tracking down an illegal weapons dealer from Scotland. He goes by the name 'Vax'. He showed his face in public for the first time in months today".

"I'm aware of him", Natasha slowly sat up and chewed on her nails. Vax was not good news. The weapons that he created were like the old HYDRA ones from the 30s, only with updated technology making them infinitely worse. The test subjects for these weapons were random civilians plucked from the streets, missing persons cases had been piling up exponentially.

"I need someone of your skill, preferably you, to head up a team, try and take their base down". 

"I'm on my way". She slammed her thumb onto the end call button and threw her phone down next to her as she swung her legs over the side of her bed, and planted her feet onto the carpeted floor. Stretching her back, she tried to rid herself of tight muscles and vertebrae, earning a few satisfying cracks whilst doing so. 

Natasha was used to having to get up early for various missions, but that was when she was on 24/7 call. She had been given annual leave for a couple of weeks to recalibrate her system. Something that SHIELD did to prevent burnout. Burnt-out agents equalled dead agents. 

Natasha Romanoff One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now