Someone new

479 6 2

I opened the game ,,Hmm.. I should try random duo!" (Yess we are playing fortine.. just don't mind it) I said to myself and got into a match. I looked up at the name of my teammate ~ 'applepi'? A boy or a girl? ~ I thought and turned on my mic as soon as I noticed they did. ,,Hello?" I heard a calm voice through my headset. ~ A boy! ~ ,,Hey!" I replied ,,Oh, A girl?" ,,Yes!" I chuckled at him being surprised ,,Don't get to see that every day huh?" I asked playfully ,,Yes, Do you only play fortnite or do you play other games too?" He asked curiously ,,I play other games too." He just resplied with a ,,mhm.". It went silent for a while until I decidet to break the silence ,,Let's go here!" I marked a place on the map and he agreed ,,Don't you have school?" I asked ,,No It's midnight right now and I don't care that I have school tomorow." ,,Wait.. Were are you from?" I asked curiously ,,Japan, you?" ,,(I'm actually from Y/C (Your country)) but I live in Germany." ,,nice" He replied ~ Damnn This man's cold :'( ~ I sigh at that thought ,,Don't you have school then?" He asked ,,I would.. But I woke up feeling sick.." I replied and he chuckled a bit ,,And you are playing videogames instead of resting?" ,,I'll rest later! I just took my medicin!" I laughed. It went silent again. ,,I would love to go to japan.." I said in a sad voice ,,Why if I may ask?" ,,I love the coulture there and the language is hard but still beautiful. It's also my dream to join a volleyball team there, and maybe make it to the nationals..." i smiled to myself ,,You play volleyball?" He asked ,,Yes! not in a team but I kept on practicing for 9 years!" ,,Oh- well.. I play volleyball too..!" ,,Like.. in a team? with a coach and a manager and all that??" I asked excited ,,Well.. yeah!" He replied laughing a bit ,,WOAAHH That's soo cool!!" I laughed too ,,Wait! Here's an opponent! Ah no! I Almost got him!" I said as I got killed ,,Don't worry" He said and soon killed the opponent and revived me ,,how old are you?" He asked ,,16, and you??" I replied ,,17". ,,Do you have discord?" I asked ,,Yes, Kenma #8931" He replied ,,Okk I'll send you a friend request" I did as I said and focused on the game again ,,What's your name btw?" He asked out of a sudden ,,Y/N L/N you?" ,,Kozume Kenma.. Another opponent downstairs!" He got killed and stayed calm ~ HOW CAN HE STAY THIS CALM?! ~ ,,Ugh !! huh? how tf?" I looked confused at my sceen seeing the letters 'Victory Royale' ,,We won thanks to you!" He said ,,NAH like I don't even know how I made it?!" I laughed ,,I'll add you Y/N, we can play tomorrow again, You should rest now!" ,,Okayy see you!" I went offline and laid on my bed ,,I wan't a tea.. but I'm to lazy to do it... nevermind I'll just wait until mom is home!!" I said to myself. I placed my phone at the night stand and slowly closed my eyes..

,,Y/N, Wake up! I made you tea!" I heard my mom saying in a soft voice. My eyes slowly opened and I smiled ,,Thank you! you're the best!" She chuckled ,,Later I'll make you soup!" I smiled and sat up. She left the room and I drank the tea and laid back down as someone walked into my room ,,Heard something called 'knocking'?!?" I sigh and looked at my brother ,,What Is it shota?" (Let's just say your brothers name is 'shota L/N' But you can also Imagen the name of your brother instead) ,,Mom said I should bring you your medicine." He walked over to me and laid the medicine on the night stand ,,Thanks" He nod and walked out ,,Damnit! close the door!" He didn't listened and just continued walking downstairs ,,Ughhh!" i groaned as I stood Up and closed the door. I took the medicine and finished my tea, as a notification showed up on my phone.


Nanami <3 send a message


I looked a while at my lockscreen as I decidet to answer


Nanami <3

Hey!! Are you okay??

I felt a bit sick this morning, but I'm better now

Oh thank god! you got me worried! I had to survive school alone today :((

Sorryy :/ I'll go tomorrow to school don't worry!!

Ok ok!! see ya then



I opened discord and saw that kenma accepted my friend request. I smiled at my phone knowing that I finally met someone from japan. ,,Eww.. why you smiling like an idiot..?" I turned around to see shota looking at me ,,ugh whatever.." I said laying my phone on my desk ,,SHOTA!! you haven't done your homework yet!" Mom yelled from the kitchen while I just tried to hold back my laugh. He glared at me before leaveing my room. I walked down to the kitchen ,,Oh you feel better sweety?" Mom asked in a calm voice while she took the sponge to wash the dishes ,,Yeah! don't worry mom, I will do the dishes!" I smiled and I could see the thankfull look in her eyes. Thinking about everything, I started washing the dishes. ~ I would actually love to become friends with kenma.. It could be a big chance for me. I wonder to which school he goes.. I heard shigatorisawa is a very good school, including a very good volleyball team. They often went to nationals, it must be amazing... ~ Before I could even notice I was done with the dishes ,,Thank you Y/N!" I nod and went upstairs into my room. And again I turned the pc on as I noticed a discord message



do you feel better now?


Yes, thanks! don't you have school?


I just got home, since our captain canceled practice today


Okk wanna call?


Instead of replying he called me. ,,Hey!" I said ,,Hey, wanna play minecraft?" ,,sure!" He send me in the chat his user so that I could join him. ,,Soo..? Do you want to build a house near a mine? or shall we search for diamonds and all that stuff and just carry a bed with us?" I asked ,,We can build a house if you want to. I already found a spot here! wait... where did you go?" I laughed nervously ,,Uhmm I saw a sheep and followed it... I'm sorryyy!" I mumbled and he laughed ,,Stay were you are, I see your name. I'll be there soon." i thanked him and waited for him, just like he told me to. As suddendly my door opened ,,Shota i'm busy, go out please!" ,,Busy playing minecraft huh? who you playin' with?" ,,None of your business." I replied and he raised an eyebrow ,,Is it a boy?" ,,Maybe?" I replied annoyed ,,I'll tell mom you have a boyfriend!" He grinned at me ,,HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND DUDE! I just met him today!" I heard kenma laughing in the background ,,I don't care!" he was about to leave as--

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