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She smiled softly and then... closed her eyes... forever...

And like this the time went by, dad turned into a alcoholic after moms death, which is why I had to take shota to our aunt. Kenma and I decidet to move in together in late january. I quited being nekomas manager but joined a girl team near our school. Kenma introduced me to hinata shoyo and we became friends. It might seem like I got over my mom but no, not yet, and I don't think I ever will... I still visit her grave every day if i can. But like I promised, I went to nationals and our girls team won, making me to one of the best liberos in japan. I got a job in a cafe, to get some money, even tho kenma is rich, I don't wanna use his money for my stuff like clothes and all. But I started streaming aswell and It's working good. Kuroo... Is still single :] But he'll probably get a girlfriend soon. He's now playing in a national team. Yaku and I met up often, to talk and all, he also helps me to train more. Now it's almost november meaning that soon kenma and I are I year together. But we will also graduate soon! 

- Timeskip, 14.november -

In one day kenma and I are 1 year together. I got him a little gift, well actually big gift, for which I needed to work some extra hours. What can I say.. He wanted a PS5, that's the only thing he doesn't has yet.

I woke up and got ready for work ,,Already leaving?" Kenma mumbled ,,Yes! make sure to eat well! There's a salad in the fridge and I also made some apple pie!" I said ,,Apple pie??"  He said and I chuckled, I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips ,,I love you , bye!" ,,I love you more! Thanks for the apple pie! And also don't be late tonight! We have plans!" He yelled ,,Ohh plans??" I laughed and went to work

I got home after work in the cafe and went into our shared bedroom ,,I'm back!" I said ,,hmm!" Kenma said focused on his games ,,Babe! I got you something!" I smiled and took the PS5 out of where I hid it ,,What?" he turned to me and saw me with the PS5 ,,OMG! I love you so much!" ,,Who? me? or the PS5?" I asked chuckling and he smiled ,,You of course!" He took my hand ,,I have something for you too!" He said and dragged me out of the house. ,,Where are we going?" I asked but he stopped ,,Take this!" He smiled and gave me a scarf, which I placed around my eyes. He carefully took my hand and dragged me somewhere. ,,Take it off!" He said and I did so. And suddendly so many memories came back.. The sunset, beautiful as always. I looked down and he even placen everything like exactly one year ago, the blue picnic blanket, the muffins, the candy and the soda ,,Remember?" He asked ,,Of course silly!" I said with a wide smile on my face. ,,sit!" He said and we sat down. ,,This is the best gift someone could have thought of.. You're amazing! I love you!" I kissed him ,,I love you too!" He said as we seperated.

We layed there for hours until we went back home and watched a movie together.

- Timeskip, after graduation (My lazy ass is back :D ) -

Kenma and I just graduated and were about to leave as he mumbled ,,Ugh I hate to do it here! But I really want to do it now!" I looked at him confused until he knelt down infront of me and I realized ,,Y/N L/N.. I know this might be too soon, but I really really love you. So.. Will you marry me?" I blushed and tears rolled down my cheeks ,,Yes!" I said, he but the ring on my finger and stood up. He kissed me and I was just speechless ,,I honestly didn't expect that!" I smiled ,,But you liked it!" He smiled proudly, until lev run up behind us, dragging yaku, yamamoto and kuroo with him ,,WHOAA KENMA WE'RE SOOO PROUD!" Lev yelled and I chuckled at kenmas annoyed face expression. ,,KENMA... YOU'RE ALREADY GONNA GET MARRIED WHILE I'M STILL SINGLE!!?!? I BETTER BE YOU BEST MAN!!" Kuroo yelled ,,fine.." Kenma agreed on kuroo being his best man while I almost died laughing at yaku and yamamoto, who where crying their hearts out.

After the drama we went home and started planning for the wedding ,,Can't we just get married right now?" ,,Kozume... It doesn't work like that..."

We planned a bit ,,Soo? honeymoon in hawaii? Spain? Canada?" Kenma asked ,,I don't care!" I chuckled and he smiled ,,I'm glad that you said yes!" ,,Why would I have said no?" I asked confused ,,I don't know!".

- Timeskip, Wedding day -

Our wedding was on the beach, Standing on the altar I looked around ~ Shota and aunt are here! But non of my parents is... ~ ,,You can now read your vows!" The priest said and I looked at kenma, telling him to start. He nod ,,Y/N, I was a completely distant guy, until you came into my life. I was so insecure about myself but you made these insecureties just go away. since the first time I saw you Irl, and you literally jumped on me when you first saw me in the airport, I knew that this was the girl, that I wanna get married to. I remember the nights we spent, looking at the stars, talking and making fun of kuroos chemisty jokes and pick up lines. thanks to you I know how important it is to be with people, you pulled me out of my isolation cage and most important yyou also helped me to level up some of my games. and I love you for all of this. I actually didn't thought that such an amazing girl like you, would ever fall for someone like me. Even now, looking at you in this amazing dress, makes me feel like I'm not enough, but I've always been there for you and always will be, 'cause that's what I promised your mom after all.!" He smiled and I wiped away the tears from my cheeks ,,Kozume, Since I first heard your voice playing fortnite I thought you were cute *chuckles* and you've always helped me to make my dreams come true, and for that I'm very thankfull. I actually never thought this day would actually come, but I kind of already pictured it in my mind. And then when I finally came to japan, I couldn't help but fall harder for you every second. When Nanami tried to seperate us, you didn't hessitate a second, to hug me and tell her to back off. You are a caring guy, even if you don't show it often. Playing games with you was always so fun, even tho I never got to beat you in maroi kart.. but I promise I will! because from now on.. we'll be together.. forever!" I smiled ,,Now I pronounce you husband and wife, You may kiss the bride!" After the priests words kenma wraped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his shoulder, pulling closer to a passionate kiss.

- End -

I hope y'all liked it, the end may be some shit, but I ran out of ideas and headcanons, maybe I'll add another lemon/smut soon.

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